28 - final battle

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"...I think we'd all be fascinated to hear what you have to say." Voldemort says.

"It doesn't matter that Harry's gone." Neville begins.

"Stand down Neville!" I hear Seamus warn.

Neville turns to face us all, a defiant look on his face. "People die everyday! Friends, family...Yeah. We still lost Harry tonight. But he's still with us...in here." Neville points to his heart. "So's Fred, Remus, Tonks...all of them. They didn't die in vain."

This time Neville turns to face Voldemort and his Death Eaters, directing his next words to them. "But you will. Because you're wrong!"

Voldemort doesn't seem fazed by Neville's sudden change in demeanor, he simply chuckles as he continues to listen. 

"Harry's heart did beat for us! For all of us! It's not over!" Neville yells, suddenly pulling sword from the Sorting Hat. The Sword of Gryffindor. At that exact moment, Harry jumps out of Hagrid's arms, and at first I think I'm dreaming but as he yells a spell directed at Voldemort's snake, I know I'm not. He's alive

Neville is blasted backwards by a spell fired by one of the Death Eaters, but once they see that Harry is still alive, they freak out. The majority of the Death Eaters start to apparate away from Hogwarts as Bellatrix yells at them to come back and that they're cowards. But they know they've lost because Harry has no survived two killing curses. But Voldemort and a select small group of his followers don't give up so easily. 

The battle begins as spells and curses fly every which way. 

"I'll lure him into the castle. We have to kill the snake." I hear Harry say to Ron and Hermione but then he's gone. 

A Death Eater starts firing curses at me, and I start deflecting them all, firing my own back in turn. Our duelling somehow carries us into one of the towers as he backs my up the stairs, trying to corner me with us his curses and hexes. But every single spell he fires against me misses, even if it's just by a mere few inches, and I suddenly remember what Harry had told me what now feels like ages ago. 

When Harry's mother jumped in front of the killing curse, it protected Harry for seventeen years with her love. Her sacrifice protected him from any danger that came his way. Voldemort trying to steal the Philosopher's stone first year. Voldemort trying to kill him in the graveyard fourth year. Voldemort possessing him in the foyer of the Ministry of Magic fifth year. And now, Harry's sacrifice is what's protecting me. Protecting all of us. 

He went to that forest and sacrificed himself to protect us. He died for all of us and the love that that shows is protecting everyone fighting on our side from the curses being fired at us. That knowledge gives me the push I need to finish the battle between me and this nameless death eater. I fire a petrification spell at him, turning him to stone before jabbing him with a spell of such force that he crumbles into dust. 

Then out of the corner of my eye, I spot Harry and Voldemort at the top of the tower engaged in a heated battle. Luckily Voldemort doesn't see me. 

"Why do you live?" Voldemort hisses.

"Because I have something to live for." Harry answers simply, blocking every curse Voldemort fires his way with perfect precision. "You were right. When you told Professor Snape that wand failing you. It will always fail you!"

"I killed Snape!"

"But what if that wand never belonged to Snape? What if its allegiance was always to someone else? C'mon, Tom...let's finish this the way we started it. Together!"

Upon shouting the last word, Harry grips the sides of Voldemort's face and pushes both of them off the side of the tower. I gasp, rushing over to the side to see what's going on. I can't lose him. Not again. I only just got him back and I won't let him leave me again. But it seems to be out of my hands as I look over the edge to see them plummeting to the ground in a blur of smoke and yells. 

Luckily, they land on the ground in the front courtyard and immediately start duelling again. I race down the stairs, descending the tower so I can see better what's going on between Harry and Voldemort. But just as I'm reaching the final set of stairs a snake lashes out at me. Its fangs miss me by a few steps, thankfully. 

However, now that its sight has been set on me, it won't be deterred. I race down the stairs, taking two at a time as I do my best to escape it, but it's determined to come get me. Kill me. And me only. As I fire spells over my shoulder, I realize it's Nagini, Voldemort's snake. Probably sent after me by Voldemort himself. 

After a lot of running, I duck behind a fallen piece of wall, hoping the snake won't see me and retreat but then I see it slither around the corner. I brace myself for the bite at my throat as the snake slowly recoils and then springs forward. But its lunge his cut off by a silver sword, slicing through the air as its wielded by Neville, cutting the head of the snake off. In that moment, a blanket of silence seems to fall over the world.

Neville helps me to my feet and we get to the entrance hall just in time to see Voldemort's body turning to ash, and flying away in the wind. The battle is over. We won. 

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