13 - shut out

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I haven't spoken to Harry in a week and he hasn't made any move to speak to me. I know it's because he's wracked with guilt about Sirius' death, probably blaming himself. Thinking that if he hadn't gone to the ministry and put himself in danger, Sirius wouldn't have showed up to protect him and ended up dying. 

But I feel guilty for a whole other reason. The first few minutes after Sirius' death, all I felt was shock and horror that it happened. But as the shock subsided, it gave way to relief. Relief that it was Sirius who was killed instead of Harry, because I don't know what I would've done if it had been him falling through the veil instead. I don't know if I would've been able to survive myself. And then I hate myself for having thoughts like that because Harry is grieving for Sirius and him shutting everyone out is giving me a good idea what it would be like if he wasn't around. And it's so painful. 

But I can't blame him for his reaction. Not only did he lose the only family he had left, then after chasing Bellatrix down, he ended up being possessed by Voldemort and when we got back to Hogwarts, Professor Dumbledore whisked away to give him some important information. And since he got that important information, he's completely shut down. 

A week is enough. I can't handle is silence any longer so that's why I'm currently marching to his room with a purpose, for him to open up to me or talk to me about something

I pound on the wooden door and Harry immediately opens it, almost like he was expecting me. Maybe he was. Maybe for the past week, he's been waiting patiently by his door for me to come start a conversation first. 

"Can I come in?" I ask to which he nods. I follow him into the room as he closes the door behind me. "Have you been avoiding me?" I blurt out, then immediately scold myself for being so accusing. 

"No. Yes, well maybe a little. Sirius' death had a bad impact on me, and it just made me realize that as long as I have people close to me, they're in danger. Especially now that I know the prophecy."

"The prophecy? But I thought the prophecy was shattered when we were in the department of mysteries."

"It was but apparently Dumbledore knew it. It was recited to him before I was born by Professor Trelawney. So he told me."

"What was it?"

He takes a deep breath before reciting it to me. 

"The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches...Born to those who thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies...and the Dark Lord will mark him as his equal, but he will have power the Dark Lord knows not...and either must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the other survives...The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord will be born as the seventh month dies..."

I take a deep breath, processing the prophecy he's just told me. It's a lot to process. 

"The only way all of this ends is if one of us dies. Either I kill him. Or he kills me." Harry says.


A/N: Why are some of my chapters so short? Sorry about that guys. But the next chapter will be the beginning of year 6, so get excited. I know year 5 was kind of slow but year 6 is actually going to be really good and I think it's pretty well-written. Things are about to get tumultuous.

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