4 - growing closer

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IT seems that since Harry and I had our conversation about witnessing death in our Care of Magical Creatures class a couple weeks ago, we've been building a foundation of friendship, which I hope could lead to something more between us. 

In our DA meetings, he always seems to find an excuse to come over to me first, whispering encouragements while also teasing me. We've also made it part of our routine to hang out in the library a few times a week just to study and work on homework together. But most of the time, our conversations stray from the topic of homework to other things. 

"How is Neville doing with his practicing?" Harry asks me over his potions textbook. 

"He's doing really well, actually. We practice together all the time, his verbal use of the spells are really great and even his wand work is pretty good, I think he just lacks confidence in himself." I tell him.

"In that case, he should be able to master the spells soon enough. Everyone struggles with their confidence from time to time."

"Everyone? Even the boy who lived?" I question. 

A faint blush tints his cheeks. "Yes, even the boy who lived. You have no idea how many times I've doubted myself. I just do a good job of covering it up." 

"So, is your confidence when you're with me, fake or real?"

"Real." he tells me. "Most of the time." he adds.

I giggle. "Good."

During our conversation, our hands have strayed from our books and have started to work their way across the table of their own accord, sliding closer and closer to one another as we look at each other. 

"I like that sound. The sound of you laughing." He smiles shyly. Our fingers graze, sending a jolt through my body. 

"Thanks." I smile back, feeling the blush work its way into my cheeks. We're so close to holding hands, but the part of me that's worried about reading this all wrong freaks out, pulling my hand away quickly and flipping to a new page in the textbook. "We should get back to remembering the ingredients in this antidote. We don't want to be poisoned and sent to the hospital wing after tomorrow's quiz." I laugh awkwardly. 

Harry nods silently, focusing his attention back on his textbook as we carry on with our studying.


LATER that night I can't seem to fall asleep. Thoughts of Harry and our time in the library continually invade my mind, keeping me from sleep. I toss and turn for awhile before giving up on sleep and figuring that maybe a walk around the castle will tire me out. 

I creep down the stairs leading from the girls' dormitories to the common room, but before I can make my way to the portrait exit, I spot a figure sitting in the couch, staring intently into the fire. The slump of their shoulders and the messy hair tells me that it must be Harry. 

"Couldn't sleep?" I ask, tentatively stepping towards him so I can sit on the couch next to him. 

He looks up at me, finally noting my presence. "No. Nightmares." he says as way of explanation. 

"I couldn't sleep either. I guess I'm just looking forward to the break in a couple days." I lie. 

Harry chuckles. 

"Do you get nightmares often?" I ask, hoping I'm not stepping over an invisible line by asking him this. But in the light of the fire crackling, he looks so vulnerable. 

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