25 - showdown

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I watch as Cormac leaves Harry speechless and walks back over to join me. I'm not sure what Cormac said to him but as Harry addresses the group, he doesn't make eye contact with me. 

"Right then, so what's the plan Harry?" Neville asks eagerly. 

Harry takes a deep breath before he starts speaking. "Okay, there's something we need to find, something hidden here in the castle, and it may help us defeat You-Know-Who"

"Right, what is it?" Neville presses.

"We don't know."

"Where is it?" Dean questions. 

"We don't know that either. I realise that's not much to go on."

"That's nothing to go on." Seamus snorts, and I elbow him in the side.

"We think it might be something that belongs to Ravenclaw. Something old. Something important."

"Well, there's Rowena Ravenclaw's lost diadem." Luna says in her dream-like voice as she moves to the front of the group, standing next to Neville which causes him to blush. 

"Oh bloody hell, here we go." Ron mutters.

"It's a real thing. Rowen Ravenclaw's lost diadem. Hasn't anyone heard of it?" Luna asks.

"Yeah, but Luna it's been lost for years." Padma pipes up.

"Maybe that's just what they want us to think." Harry says.


"YOU are surely wondering why I have summoned you at this hour. It has come to my attention earlier this evening, Harry Potter was sighted in Hogsmeade." Snape says, causing a loud wave of murmuring to work its way through the group of us. "Now, should anyone, student or staff, attempt to aid Mr. Potter, they will be punished in a manner consistent with the severity of their transgression. Furthermore, any person found to have knowledge of these events who fails to come forward will be treated as...equally guilty. Now then..."

Snape descends the steps to survey everyone. "...if anyone in here as any knowledge of Mr. Potter's movements this evening...I invite them to step forward...now."

Before I can stop him, Harry steps out from the group of students, placing himself in the center of the Great Hall as everyone lets out varied gasps of surprise.

"It seems, despite your exhaustive defensive strategies, you still have a bit of a security problem, Headmaster." Harry says, but there's no respect in his voice as he calls Snape 'headmaster'. Then the Great Hall doors burst open to reveal the Order of the Phoenix members, Kingsley Shacklebolt, Remus Lupin, Nymphadora Tonks, Hermione, Ron, Hermione, Arthur and Molly Weasley, Fleur, Bill, Fred and George. Even Percy. "I'm afraid it's quite extensive, how dare you stand where he stood. Tell them how it happened that night! Tell them how you looked him in the eye, a man who trusted you, and killed him! Tell them!"

But Snape doesn't tell us, instead he draws his wand, pointing it at Harry. Before he can do anything, Professor McGonagall pushes him to the side, stepping in front of him and they immediately start duelling. After both the Carrow siblings get knocked out by Snape's defensive spells against McGonagall's jinx's, he swirls into a puff of smoke and jumps out the window. 

McGonagall immediately restores light to the Great Hall just as Filch frantically runs into the room, clutching Mrs. Norris to his chest and shouting. "Students out of bed! Students out of bed! Students in the corridor!"

McGonagall sighs and rolls her eyes. "They are supposed to be out of bed you blithering idiot."

This shuts Filch up. "Right, I'm sorry Ma'am."

Then everything goes quiet for a brief second before an ear-piercing scream breaks through the silence. 


A/N: Super short chapter so sorry about that, but I'll post the next one soon

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