2 - awkward greetings

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IT'S been a few days since the meeting at the Hog's Head and so far we haven't gotten word of a first DA meeting yet, but I'm hopeful it will happen soon. For now, my only interactions with Harry simply consist of greeting each other in the Gryffindor common room and asking each other homework questions. I can't blame him though, I mean I'm sure he has a ton on his mind. 

"Y/N are you listening to me?" Neville questions. We're sitting in the library working on herbology homework and I've somehow gotten lost in my thoughts about Harry again. 

"Sorry, can you repeat that?" 

"I was saying that Aconite is just another word for Wolfsbane, and although the flowers can be useful the leaves are highly toxic." He informs me to which I nod along. "You know, if you can't stop thinking about him, maybe you should just ask him out on a date." Neville urges. 

I startle out of my semi-trance at the suggestion. "Thinking about who? I don't know what you're talking about." 

"I'm not thick y/n, I know that you spend practically ever waking hour daydreaming about Harry. You already have the fact that you're in the same house working in your favour, so just hang out with him in the common room sometime. He would be absolutely mad to turn you down." 

"Thanks Neville. But you can't lecture me about asking out Harry until you ask out Luna, besides I'm waiting until the DA meetings start, so I can hopefully snag some one on one time with him. I want to build a friendship first, a stronger one than what we have now before I can gauge whether there's a possibility whether he fancies me or not."

"That plan could work. But who knows how long it will take us to find somewhere big enough to learn without Umbridge finding out. Especially now with educational decree number twenty-four."


NEVILLE was right. It did take quite some time before we found a place to practice but eventually it was found. The Room of Requirement, a hidden room in the castle that provides you with exactly what you need, all you have to do is ask. 

"For today's meeting, I want to start off with something basic but absolutely necessary; the disarming charm. This is one of the most important spells you can learn and can make the difference between life and death. I myself have used it against Voldemort to get away." Harry tells the group once the meeting has started. "The spell is simple, Expelliarmus, and your opponent's wand should fly out of their hand if done correctly. So everybody pair up and try it out. I'll make my way around."

People immediately pair off, and I partner up with Neville. Harry makes his way over to the two of us first while a chorus of Expelliarmus rings throughout the room. Just the sight of him advancing towards us with a smile on his face is enough to speed up my heart rate. 

"Hey y/n, hey Neville. Lets see you try out the charm." Harry says, standing next to me. I hold my wand out directly in front of me and say, "Expelliarmus," flicking my wrist slightly. Neville's wand immediately breaks free from his closed fist and flies over into my hand, and I catch it gracefully. 

"That was brilliant. Are you sure you shouldn't be in Ravenclaw?" Harry comments.

"Are you saying I'm not brave enough to be in Gryffindor?" I taunt. 

"No...that's not what I was...I only meant." Harry stutters, alarm clear on his face. 

"Relax Harry, I was only teasing." I smile, placing my hand on his arm. He looks down at where my hand touches his sweater clad arm and he seems to visibly relax, knowing that I'm not mad at his comment. 

"Well, then I should probably get going and check on other people." He mutters before scrambling away from the pair of us. 

Neville has now joined me at my side and lets out a low laugh. "Smooth y/n." 

I roll my eyes. "Shut it Longbottom. I'm hopelessly awkward, I mean how do you flirt with the guy who has every girl chasing after him?"

"Don't ask me, I'm no good at flirting either." Neville shrugs. "Maybe ask Dean or Seamus." He suggests. 

Yes. That's what I'll do. I'll ask Dean and Seamus for advice later. 


"I just need your advice on how to get his attention. I mean you're both guys so you should be able to help." I say to Dean and Seamus later that evening. 

The four of us are sitting in the chairs surrounding the fire in the Gryffindor common room and now Dean and Seamus are looking at me as if I've been cursed with the bat bogey hex. 

"Just say hi to him." Seamus shrugs. 

"Just say hi? That's your advice?" I ask incredulously. 

"Well, what else do you want me to say? It's not like I have a ton of experience getting the attention of straight guys. Hell I'm not even a straight guy." Seamus defends, holding his left hand up to show me that it's intertwined with Dean's. 

I roll my eyes. "Fine, some help you guys are. I guess I'll start with hi."


I'M sitting at breakfast the following morning chatting animatedly with with my friends about when the next DA meeting might be when Neville nudges me in the ribs.

"Hey what was that for?" I ask, rubbing my side. Neville may look like he's not that strong but man he sure can jab his elbow with significant force. 

In answer to my question, Neville nods his head in the direction of the other end of the Gryffindor table. I turn to see what he's nodding at and spot Harry and his friends sitting down and eating. I make eye contact with him, sending flutters of butterflies through my stomach as I wave my hand in greeting and smile shyly at him. I'm not a shy person but apparently at this moment I am.

Harry has a goblet of something in his hand and raises it to me, attempting to smile but instead pumpkin juice slips out of his mouth and drips all over his chin. The guys immediately start cackling and I turn around abruptly to face them, shooting them a glare. I turn back around and shoot Harry another smile before he turns awkwardly back to his friends. 

"That was smooth." Dean chuckles, taking a sip of his own pumpkin juice. "I mean, the guy can survive a killing curse but can't simply greet a girl properly." 

"Be nice." I scold. 

The three of them raise their hands above their heads in surrender but they continue to let out periodic chuckles. I dig into my breakfast, ignoring them, and sneaking occasional glances in Harry's direction but as far as I know he doesn't look my way again for the rest of breakfast.


A/N: How do you all like the book so far? Let me know, I would love some feedback! Also a little bit of flirting is coming in the next chapter so you have that to look forward to :)

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