10 - exams and torture

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A/N: I'm currently reading "Written in the Stars" by the lovely lady this chapter is dedicated to. You should all check out her fanfic because it's a Draco x OC slowburn and it's so good so far.



IT'S finally our last exam of the year but emotions have been running high. Over the past couple days of our OWLs, Hagrid ran away from Aurors and McGonagall was attacked with multiple stunning spells by Umbridge as is now in St. Mungo's, meaning that no one from the Order is left here at Hogwarts. 

Now I'm sitting through my History of Magic exam, thankful that I don't have to take the class next year as I finish writing a page about the Troll Wars. Harry is asleep in the seat in front of me, and I hope that he's already finished the exam because time is running out. But I can't wake him up because then I would risk getting accused of cheating. 

But I throw all thoughts about cheating accusations out the window when Harry slumps to the floor, screaming. I immediately rush out of my chair and to his side and at my touch he wakes up, gasping for air. 

"Harry? Are you okay?" I ask hurriedly.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine." he assures me but the look in his eyes tells me otherwise.

As he's getting up one of the exam proctors makes his way over to us. 

"Everything good over here?" he asks.

"Uh, yeah, just got a little light headed is all." Harry says. 

The proctor tells us that if we're done we can leave and I can take Harry to the hospital wing but when we leave the Great Hall, he stops me and pulls me into a side corridor. 

"I had a dream while I was sleeping. Voldemort has Sirius at the Ministry. He's torturing him." Harry says hurriedly. By this point, Hermione and Ron have joined us outside the Great Hall. 

"Are you sure Harry? It could have just been a dream." I say to him. 

"Y/N is right. And what if Voldemort is just manipulating your mind into thinking it. He could have figured out the connection and is using it against you." Hermione adds. 

"No. This was different than a dream. This was real. I could feel it. We need to go to the ministry to save him." Harry says tersely. 

"Look, mate. Before we make any rash decisions, we need to be sure that Sirius is actually there. You should try and contact him with the floo network." Ron suggests.

"I agree with Ron." I say

"Okay, fine. But the only floo network not being monitored by the ministry is in Umbridge's office." Harry agrees

"Then we're going to need a good distraction." Hermione decides.


AFTER a few minutes of discussion and Harry becoming increasingly impatient we came up with a plan. Send Peeves to torment Umbridge and keep her away from her office, while Ron, Hermione, Harry and I broke into the room. Meanwhile, Ginny, Neville, and Luna would keep students away from the hall under the premise that someone had let off a stink sap.

So now here we are, the four of us crowded around the fireplace in her office while Harry sticks his head into the flames to see if Sirius is at Grimauld Place. Distracted by the flames, we didn't hear the sound of someone entering the room until it was too late. There stood Umbridge with the entirety of the Inquisitorial Squad, a few of them gripping Ginny, Neville, and Luna in their clutches. 

"Now what do we have here?" Umbridge muses in her annoyingly-high voice. Then we're all being yanked by our robes to stand by her desk, Malfoy grabs my arm with force, yanking me away from the fire.

"You get your filthy hands off of her Malfoy." Harry says, anger brewing in his eyes.  

"No. I think I'll hold onto her for a bit." Malfoy sneers, using his other hand to grip my chin and force me to look at him. Harry has to be held back by two burly Slytherins to prevent him from attacking Malfoy, meanwhile I spit in his face which causes him to let go of my face but his hold remains strong and painful on my arm. 

"Now, Mr. Potter, who were you trying to contact using my fireplace?" Umbridge asks, her voice sickly sweet. 

"I'm not telling you that." Harry spits just as a knock sounds at the closed office door. 

The door opens and Professor Snape enters. For a brief second, I feel a sense of relief, suddenly remembering that Snape is a member of the Order, so surely he'll help us if we ask. 

"Did you bring the Veritaserum?" Umbridge asks him. Snape's face remains impassive. "No, you used the last of it in your interrogations." he says in his nasally voice. "If that will be all." he continues, making his way to leave again but Harry shouts out for him. 

"Wait! He's got Padfoot! He's got Padfoot in the place where it's hidden!" Harry shouts at him. Snape turns around for the briefest moment, staring at Harry in what I can only interpret as disbelief. 

"What's a Padfoot, Snape? Where what is hidden? What's he talking about?" Umbridge questions. "No idea." Snape says and then swishes out of the room, taking our hope of saving Sirius with him. 

"Well then, in that case, the Cruciatus Curse ought to loosen your tongue." Umbridge chips. A wave of cold wash over me. She can't be serious. It's illegal

Hermione voices my thoughts. "You can't! It's unforgivable!" 

"What Cornelius doesn't know won't hurt him." Umbridge decides as she places the picture of the minister face down on her desk. 


With her wand pointed at Harry, he tosses his head back in pain, fighting against his own body as he writhes in the chair, screaming out. My heart breaks just watching him. 

"I won't tell you." Harry manages to get out through gritted teeth. 

Umbridge isn't pleased. She clearly thought her illegal methods would help her and I'm happy to see her disappointment. "I guess we'll have to do something a little different then." she smiles. "Malfoy, bring the girl over." 

The girl. She means me. She's going to use the cruciatus curse on me. 

Malfoy drags me over, throwing me in the chair that Harry just vacated and is now being held back by three Slytherins as he relentlessly fights against their grip. "Don't you dare touch her! Don't fucking touch her!"

I take a deep gulp, preparing for the pain. "It's okay, Harry. I can handle it."

"Crucio!" Umbridge commands once again and a jolt runs through my body. I'm being stabbed with a thousand knives, all at once, all over my body. They're being pulled in and out, twisting inside me to maximize the pain. I can barely breath. The sound of Harry screaming for the witch to stop sounds far away mingled with Neville's cries and yells. My mind is hazy from all the pain coursing through my body. 

Then the pain stops. "I'll tell you!" Harry yells, tears streaking down his face. "Yes, we'll tell you." Hermione agrees and the glint in her eyes tells me she has something planned. 

"Tell me what exactly?"

"About Dumbledore's secret weapon. We'll do one better than just telling you, we'll show you." 


A/N: I know that Harry doesn't actually have the cruciatus curse used on him, it's just a threat before Hermione intervenes, but I just used it to make the plot better 

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