19 - slughorn's christmas party

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CHRISTMAS is fast approaching and with it, chatter of Slughorn's Christmas party. Professor Slughorn has created something he's called the Slug Club, where he "collects" students that come from well-known families or that he deemed will most likely amount to something in the future. But with the advancement of the party, I've managed to overhear a couple conversations from girls in my year. All of them are talking about one thing, how to snag a date to the Christmas party. Although one particular girl sticks out to me, Romilda Vane, who I overheard talking about slipping Harry a love potion. The thought worries me because she actually sounded serious.

Although we're not together anymore and not even really speaking besides Quidditch practice, I still care about him and want him to be careful so I figure the best way to go about it is to approach Hermione. With her being my roommate and one of Harry's bestfriends, she can act as a bridge.

"Hermione, can I tell you something?" I ask one night when we're the only ones in our dormitory. 

"Yeah. What's going on?"

"I overheard Romilda Vane in the bathroom the other day, talking about slipping Harry a love potion and I was wondering if maybe you could give him a heads up to maybe be careful with what he's eating a drinking."



Harry's POV

"HAVE you thought about who you're going to ask to Slughorn's Christmas party?" Hermione asks as we put away books in the library.

"No not yet."

"Well, I just wanted to let you know to be careful. See that girl over there?" she asks, nodding her head behind her. 

I peek around her shoulder to see a girl sitting at one of the desks, furtively watching us while pretending to do her assignments. 


"That's Romilda Vane. Apparently she plans on slipping you a love potion."

"Really?" I ask, amazed, not being able to help the smile that brightens my face. 

"You know she's only interested in you because she thinks you're the chosen one."

"But I am the chosen one." I smirk, which earns me a hit on the head with Hermione's folded up copy of the Daily Prophet

"Alright, sorry. Who are you going with?" 


"Cormac?" I ask in disbelief. I would have thought he would ask y/n, but the thought that he didn't makes me strangely giddy.

"Yeah, I thought it would annoy Ron the most."

Right. Ever since Ron kissed Lavendar in front of the whole Gryffindor common room, including Hermione after our first Quidditch match, the two haven't been speaking to each other. 

"No, that's not why I'm surprised. I just thought he would ask y/n."

"Oh, right. Well, someone else kind of beat him to it." She says in a rush.

"Who?" I demand. 

"Uh...Blaise Zabini, I think." 

I have to withhold my growing frustration at this new piece of revelation. I knew Cormac had a thing for her but I didn't think Blaise did too. How many other guys are there? Tamping down my jealousy so we don't get thrown out by Madam Pince for being too loud, I turn back to the bookshelves. 

"Alright, well I'll invite someone soon. Someone good."


Harry's POV

SOMEHOW Luna Lovegood ends up being my date to the Slug Club Christmas party. She seemed like the safest bet. I know her pretty well from the DA last year and I know she won't drug my pumpkin juice with love potion. 

I meet her in the entrance hall where multiple girls give her dirty looks before we head to Slughorn's office where the party is being held. As soon as we enter, Slughorn approaches me and drags me away to introduce me to other guests, leaving Luna behind. 

After introducing me to an author named Eldred Worple and a vampire named Sanguini, I manage to escape and make my way back to Luna who is now chatting animatedly with Hermione. 

"Where's Cormac?" I ask as soon as I join the girls.

"Who cares? As soon as we got here, he immediately went in search of y/n, he's been trying to steal her away from Blaise all night so far." Hermione says but she doesn't seem to mind at all, seeing as she only came with him to make Ron jealous. 

The rest of the party passes by in a blur of mead and awkward conversations. With all the crowds, I don't even see y/n, Blaise or Cormac which I'm incredibly thankful for because I'm not sure I would be able to keep my temper in check if I saw either of their hands roaming over her body. Although maybe a fight would make the party more exciting because it's been rather dull so far. That is until Filch bursts in, holding Draco Malfoy by the collar of his black suit. 

"Found this one lurking outside. Said he was invited." Filch says, clearly proud that he caught an intruder.

Malfoy doesn't even bother to defend himself. "Alright, alright! I was gatecrashing!" he yells, ripping himself from Filch's grip. 

"I'll take care of this Filch, thank you." Snape's nasally voice says, approaching the caretaker before dragging Malfoy out of the room. 

I'm about to slip my folded up invisibility cloak out of my pocket and follow them, curious if I'll be able to confirm my suspicions about Malfoy being a death eater. But before I can leave, I spot them. Y/N and Blaise. They're standing under the mistletoe and I watch from a distance as Blaise uses his index finger to tilt her chin upwards before lowering his mouth to hers.

The sight makes my stomach roil and my skin boil. I don't stick around to see how long the kiss lasts, instead I slip out of the room and follow Malfoy and Snape. 

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