8 - busted

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"TODAY we are going to be practicing the Patronus Charm. When it comes to Dementors, this will help you greatly, but don't be discouraged if you can't do it right away, it takes a lot of practice to produce one and even more to get a fully corporeal one. So everyone think of your happiest memory, feel it in your body and then cast the charm." Harry instructs the group. 

I take a deep breath, emptying my mind as I search for my happiest memory. I come up empty at first, everything about my life at home is rather dreary with my father's constant sadness. But then the memory comes to me, a messy haired boy with glasses and a lightning bolt scar, sitting across from me in the library, making me laugh the hardest I've ever laughed, tucking a stray strand of hair behind my ear as he runs his thumb along my cheek.

Harry. My happiest memory is of me and Harry Potter. 

"Expecto Patronum!" I command, pointing my wand high in the air. A thin wisp of blue light comes out of the tip of my wand, forming into a doe as it prances around the room and I watch it in amazement, guiding it with me wand.

"Fantastic y/n!" Harry smiles brightly, watching my patronus gallop around happily. I smile back.

Suddenly, the room rattles, shaking it to its core. I lose my focus, my doe vanishing as the room starts to shake once again. A crack has formed in our usual entrance, creating a small eye-shaped hall. Being the closest to it, I take a tentative step towards it, but before I can see anything, Harry pushes me protectively behind him and approaches the hole himself.

"It's Umbridge." he mutters and then he starts to hurriedly back away from the small hole. "Everybody run!" he yells, prompting a side door to open so everyone can escape. 

"Bombarda!" a shrill voice says and the wall explodes, sending pieces of rubble and smoke into the air. I'm standing stock still, unsure what to do until Harry grabs my arm forcefully. "y/n run!" he hisses in my ear and I do as he says, running to the other exit, only looking back to see if Harry is following me. But he's not. All I can see through the dust and smoke is him being dragged away by Umbridge.


I spend the next hour pacing the Gryffindor common room waiting for Harry to return as Hermione and Ron repeatedly assure me that he's okay, fully capable of handling himself. But I can't help but worry that him telling us all to run, and taking the fall will end in his expulsion. 

But to my relief, an hour after we all escaped Umbridge's wrath, Harry enters the common room. A rush of comfort comes over me as I run to him, slinging my arms around his neck. 

"Thank goodness, you're okay." I whisper to him.

He hugs me back for a second before pulling away from me and there's a look in his eyes that I can't quite place. Sadness? Fear? Both?

"Harry? What's wrong?" Hermione asks, reading his facial expression just like I did. 

"Dumbledore...He's gone." Harry says solemnly. 

We're all silent for a moment as we guide Harry over to sit on the couch with us. 

"What do you mean, mate? How could Dumbledore be gone?" Ron questions. 

Harry takes a deep breath and we all listen silently as Harry explains. 

He tells us that Umbridge took him to the Headmaster, ready to have him expelled but instead in front of the minister of magic, Dumbledore took the blame, telling everyone that he tasked Harry with creating the group names Dumbledore's Army. Dumbledore was going to be taken to Azkaban but before they could seize him, he escaped with his Phoenix. 

"And now Umbridge is the new Headmistress." Harry says quietly. 

If I know one thing for sure, Umbridge in charge at Hogwarts most definitely isn't a good thing for any of us.


WITH Umbridge as Headmistress, Hogwarts is no longer the fun and easygoing school it once was. Especially with all the new rules she's put into place over the past few weeks. 

We can no longer play music during study hours.

Boys and girls are forbidden from being within six inches of one another (but of course that doesn't stop Harry and I and Umbridge seems to have forgotten about the gay and lesbian couples who have still started to sneak around incase she comes out with another rule)

Fred and George's joke products are strictly prohibited.

The six inch apart rule was later changed to eight inches (which again didn't really stop anyone) and has now been extended to all couples and everyone in general so I can't hug any of my friends in public no matter what gender)

We've been banned from discussing the events of fourth year, so much as a mention of it will result in detention. 

All literature written by half-breeds and non-wizards has been banned.

All of our owl post is continually searched for illegal contraband.

All further Quidditch matches are cancelled which Harry doesn't care all that much about since he's already been given a "lifetime" ban.

"I feel like we're going to school at a jail." I huff, flopping back on Harry's bed after classes. 

"I know and I can't even talk to Sirius because every fireplace connecting to the floo network except the one in her office is being monitored by her and the ministry."

"At least Fred and George's revolt is bringing some happiness."

Harry laughs at this. The moment the Weasley twins heard that Umbridge was the new Headmistress, they immediately instigated a revolt, causing absolute mayhem throughout the school. And every professor is refusing to do anything about it, standing in a united front against the old toad.

"And even with all this, I still have my stupid Occlumency lessons." Harry says, rolling his eyes.

"It's important, Harry. You need to learn to block him out so he can't use your connection against you."

Harry lets out a loud sigh. "Yeah, I guess. I should probably get going now anyways."


Harry's POV

"LEGILIMENS!" Snape says pointing his wand at my face, everything goes black for a second and then I'm seeing all the memories that Snape is seeing in my mind. Quidditch matches, the Tri-Wizard Tournament, DA meetings, it all passes by in a blur and then my memories refocus on y/n. Her y/h/c hair splayed out on my pillow as I kiss the hollow of her throat, my body pressing her into the mattress. No. This isn't for Snape's eyes, this is for me only. 

I push back against Snape's invasion, forcing my mind to rid itself of his intrusion. Everything goes black before clearing up once again, as I hurtle into the deepest and darkest recesses of Snape's memories. 


A/N: Sorry if your patronus isn't a doe. I just thought it would be cute since Harry's is a stag. What's your patronus? Mine is a mongrel dog. 

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