3 - a little flirting

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BETWEEN the DA meetings, classes and homework, time seems to pass relatively quickly. Over these past few weeks, DADA has been especially torturous, and I even managed to land myself in a detention with Umbridge after questioning her on what the purpose of the class was if we weren't even learning anything. On the bright side, the snide comment earned me a wide smile from Harry in exchange for the engraving of I must not question my Professor's teaching

The highlight of my week has become the DA meetings which tend to meet at least once a week, if not more often. In addition to the disarming spell, we've also started to learn the impediment jinx and the reductor curse. Today's focus is the stunning spell. 

"Okay, to avoid multiple people flying across the room at the same time, we're going to take turns in pairs performing the stunning spell while everyone else observes to get a better idea of what it's supposed to look like. Y/N care to start us off? I'll partner up with you." Harry says, and I walk into the center of the room to meet him. 

"Go easy on me will you?" I smile at him, trying my best to say it flirtatiously and I'm not sure if it comes across that way. But the smile that flits across his face tells me that he gets the message. "I'm not used to going easy for anything but I'll try my best." he smirks, a glint of something in his eyes. Mischief? Lust? I can't be sure but it makes my skin hot and tingly. 

Before I can attempt to decipher his expression any further, we're backing away from one another and taking our stances. I don't even give him the chance to raise his wand before I raise mine, "Stupefy!" I yell, prompting Harry to go flying across the room and landing on his ass. It doesn't take him long to get up and wipe off his pants with his hands, shaking his head in amazement as he makes his way over to me. 

"Good job." he whispers in my ear, sending a chill down my spine before we turn our attention back to the next pair. 


THE first Quidditch game of the season arrives and it's Gryffindor vs. Slytherin which is never a good sign. I love Quidditch and have grown up watching and playing it, being a pureblood witch, but I've never tried out for the house team because the work it requires feels like too much. I mean, it's a lot of hard work to have practices and keep up with school work. But from my knowledge of Quidditch, the games can get pretty intense, add on to the fact that two rival houses are playing each other for the first game, this may not end well. 

By the end of the game, my prediction is proven to be correct. Gryffindor wins and Slytherin is not happy about it. I can't hear what's happening from my place in the seating area with Dean, Seamus, and Neville but I see Draco sauntering his way over to the group of Gryffindors. He says something to them and before I know it, I watch as Harry and George launch themselves at him, not being able to be held back by the players, three of which are holding Fred back. They don't even pull out their wands to duel and fire hexes, instead they go at it muggle-style, kicking and punching one another until the Professors intervene and pull them apart. 

At this point, I've pushed my way to the bottom of the arena alongside my friends and a variety of other Gryffindors to hear what happens next as Umbridge approaches the group of bloody boys. 

"That's it! Potter! Weasley! Your broomsticks will be confiscated and I am putting you on a lifetime ban of Quidditch. I'll be notifying the Minister immediately. This behaviour is absolutely unacceptable!" she cries before turning her attention to Fred who's still being restrained by the three chasers. "And the same goes for you Mr. Weasley, as you're twins." she glares, wagging a stubby finger at him. With that, she takes their brooms and stalks off the Quidditch pitch.

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