7 - confessions

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A/N: Smut warning.



A few weeks have passed since the magazine incident, and at this point Harry and I are spending a bit of time together everyday. Just as we're getting used to the new normal of having Umbridge practically run the school, she sits in on one of Trelawney's divination classes and deems that she's an incompetent teacher, firing her from the post. 

Dumbledore ended up putting his foot down, and said that Professor Trelawney was to remain at the school while he appointed a new teacher for the position. His decision didn't go over too well with her when he appointed Firenze (a centaur) fully knowing that Umbridge despises half-breeds. 

So now here we are in divination, while Firenze starts to teach, prompting almost every girl in the room to drool over him, admiring his gorgeous bone structure and chiseled torso. 

"Y/N?" Harry whispers to me so Firenze doesn't hear. 

The whole class is currently laying on their backs gazing at the ceiling which has been turned into the night sky so we can look at the stars and what they may predict. 


"Are you crushing on Firenze like all the other girls in this class?" he asks. 

I can't help the blush that rises to my cheeks. There's no denying that Firenze is highly attractive but I'm most definitely not crushing on him. 

"No. Why crush on my professor when I have you?" I smile. 

Even though I can't see him in the dark classroom, I'm almost sure that he's smiling as he leans over to plant a kiss on my shoulder. 

"Good to know. And can I talk to you in my dorm after classes today? I have to to ask you something important."



I knock on Harry's dormitory door when I get back to Gryffindor Tower after a long day of class, curious as to what he has to ask me. I have a suspicion and I hope that I'm right. 

Ron opens the door and smiles. "Oh hey, y/n. Come in." he says and I enter the room which is an exact copy of my own only slightly messier because boys. "I should probably get going to leave you two alone together." Ron says, while Harry shoots him a glare as if to say way to be subtle. But Ron is already hurrying out the door, closing it behind him. 

"Hey." I say to Harry, making my way over to his bed to take a seat next to him. I've never been in a boys room alone before. Whenever I hang out with Dean, Seamus, and Neville, it's usually in the common room or library, and if we are in their room, there are three of them, so it's not just me alone with one of them. 

But this is different because I like Harry. I really like him. 

"Hey. So y/n, I know we've been hanging out a lot likely and I'm not sure about you, but I have no interest in seeing anyone else anytime soon. So, will you be my girlfriend?"

"Yes!" I squeal, happiness overcoming all of my senses. I can't help myself as I throw my arms around him, peppering him with small kisses all over his face, filling his smile grow beneath my lips.

"Okay, well in that case I have a few things I need to tell you." Harry says, once my excitement slightly subsides and I pull away from him. 

"Okay, go ahead." I urge, nervousness bubbling inside of my stomach.

"I haven't been telling you the truth about something." He starts. Great, the perfect start to our relationship. But I don't interrupt as he continues, "So I've been telling you that I'm taking remedial potions with Snape but the thing is, he's actually giving me Occlumency lessons."

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