6 - back to school

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AS soon as I arrive in the Gryffindor common for the first time after break, I see Harry rushing over to me. He looks especially cute wearing plain jeans and a sweatshirt, his hair messy from the wind and his cheeks flushed from the cold. A goofy grin graces his features as soon as he gets closer to me. 

"Hey y/n, so I have to take remedial potions with Snape starting this week, but I should be available on Saturday for the next Hogsmeade trip. I have a plan if you're still cool with going out with me." He says hurriedly and I can tell he's nervous. 

"Of course I'm still cool with going out on a date with you." I assure him.


OTHER than our shared classes together, I don't see Harry very much over the course of the first week back. And despite being in the same house, we barely get a chance to talk in our spare time. All of Harry's extra time is being filled by remedial potions with Snape. So much so, that we still haven't had a DA meeting since we've returned from the holiday. 

But Saturday as it nears noon, Harry stays true to his word and knocks on my dormitory door, ready to take me to Hogsmeade for our date. 

"Ready?" Harry asks when I open my door. I'm dressed in a pair of skinny jeans and a cable knit sweater to keep warm during the walk there. "Yeah." I nod, already smiling. "Brilliant." Harry nods, taking my hand and leading me out of the common room. 

I can feel people watching us as we leave, clearly trying to put all the missing pieces together in their head about how Harry and I possibly got together. 

"You look beautiful, by the way." Harry compliments, raising my hand to his lips so he can kiss my knuckles. I feel a faint blush rise to my cheeks at how affectionate he is. It's so cute. 

"Thanks. You do too." I say. "I mean, cute, uh, handsome. You look handsome." I amend.

Harry chuckles. "Do I make you nervous, y/n?"

"Nervous? No. Of course not? Why would you make me nervous?" I ramble. "Okay fine, maybe I get a little nervous when I'm around you." I relent.

"So I make you nervous."

"Not you, more like who you are..."

"That makes no sense." Harry laughs. 

"Yeah it does. See you as a person don't make me nervous, not extremely anyways. But what you represent being the boy who lived, that makes me nervous. I mean, you could have your pick of girls and yet somehow you're settling for me, and what if -"

I'm cut off from my rambling when he presses his lips to mine, kissing me long and deep, his hands running through my long y/h/c locks. He pulls away after a minute, his green eyes staring into my y/e/c ones. "I didn't settle for you. And you're right, y/n, I could have any one that I want as you so lightly put it, but I chose you."

It feels like a rollercoaster is running through my body as he says the words. "Thanks." I smile shyly. I kind of needed to hear that. 

"No problem. Now, put the doubt aside and let me take you out for a nice lunch."


"OH Merlin, it's getting late." Harry says as he glances at his watch. I glance at my own and see that we've been sitting in the cozy restaurant for the past two hours, our meals long gone but our conversation still going strong. "I'm really sorry, y/n but I promised Hermione I would meet her at the Three Broomsticks in a couple minutes. She told me it was important but she didn't tell me what it was. You can tag along though if you want."

"Sure, I would love to." I agree happily

When we get to the Three Broomsticks, I spot Hermione at a table in the back, accompanied by Luna Lovegood and none other than Rita Skeeter, the former gossip-writer of the Daily Prophet.

I follow Harry to the table and we take a sit, spending the next few hours listening to Harry as he recounts everything that happened that night in the graveyard so Rita Skeeter can write an article about it and get it published in The Quibbler (the newspaper Luna's father runs). 


THE edition of The Quibbler with Harry's story releases the following week, and to put it plainly, Umbridge is not happy whatsoever. She ends up putting a ban on the magazine and anyone caught with it in their possession may face expulsion (something Hermione deems worse than death). On top of that, Harry is banned from visiting Hogsmeade for the remainder of the school year, something that doesn't seem to faze him all that much. 

"You know, not visiting Hogsmeade doesn't really bother me. What bothers me is that we can't go out on anymore dates there." Harry tells me.

"Don't worry about, I'm sure we'll be able to find something to do here in the castle while other people are at Hogsmeade." 

Oh my Godrick. Why did I just say that? Now he probably thinks I just want to spend the whole time making out with him, which I'm not entirely opposed to. But to avoid the topic further I start talking about something else.

"On the bright side, practically everyone believes you now." I say cheerily. 

"True. I guess that's one silver lining." He agrees. 


A/N: Sorry if it's not your thing but I think kissing someone to stop their rambling is the cutest thing ever. Also, I just have to add that I think that if Harry really liked someone he would give them soft kisses all the time. He would definitely like PDA. 

I feel like these chapters are so short, and I'm so sorry about that. Things should start picking up soon with more drama (hopefully)

P.S. Prepare yourselves because things are going to get steamy in the second half of the next chapter hehe

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