9 - stuff goes down

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A/N: Just a friendly reminder before you start reading this chapter to try not to be a ghost reader. If you enjoy the chapter, vote and comment!



"SO Snape said he won't give me Occlumency lessons anymore." Harry tells me when he enters my room. But quite honestly, he doesn't look all that sad about it. 

"What? Why not?" 

"I may have forced him out of my mind and gone into his mind and seen something he didn't want me to see." He confesses. "It was a memory of my Dad. All this time, I thought the Snape was lying when he called my father an arrogant swine but seeing that memory, maybe he's been right. He was a bully, y/n." 

"Don't hold that against your father, Harry. People change. He was an adolescent, he probably didn't know any better -"

"Y/N, he was the same age as me in that memory. And you don't see me going around levitating people by their ankles."

"Harry." I sigh. "Look at me. Everyone has their faults and that was clearly one of your father's but it doesn't change who you are. You're still you, the same you you've always been. But, I really think you should talk to McGonagall or someone about him refusing to give you anymore lessons. I mean you need them."

"No. I don't. I've been getting really good at blocking his thoughts out and clearing my mind before I go to sleep. I haven't had the nightmares in a few weeks." Harry assures me. 

"Well in that case you shouldn't be worried about you-know-who getting inside your head, right?"

"Right." Harry agrees, wrapping me into his arms.


"CAREER meetings did not go well." Harry tells me at lunch. 

"Why what happened?" I ask.

"Umbridge told me that maybe I wasn't cut out as an Auror because some of my grades like in Defense against the Dark Arts and Potions aren't the best."

"Oh, Harry I'm sorry." I say, placing my hand over his across the table. 

"Don't worry about it. McGonagall made sure to tell me that I'll become an Auror even if it's the last thing she ever does." He chuckles. "And if the pattern continues, Umbridge won't last past this year which will hopefully mean my grade in that class can be thrown out the window."

"What really matters for taking the class next year is your grade on the O.W.Ls which I'm sure you'll do perfectly fine in. Besides, Fred and George have been working relentlessly to get that old hag out of Hogwarts and maybe soon it will actually pay off."

As if being summoned by my words, a loud noise sounds from the entrance hall. Harry and I glance at each other quickly before jumping up and heading out to see what's going on. Then it happens, Fred and George fly in on their broomsticks, trailing the chains that once held them in Umbridge's office behind them. They throw fireworks around them that crack the frames of every educational decree. 

Then, with everyone's attention trained on them, they fly out of the school, the large group of students following them out to see what happens next. Harry and I tag along, watching as the twins toss a final firework into the air that bursts into a giant W

"Weasley's Wizard Wheezes now located in Diagon Alley! A special discount to anyone who promises to use our products to get rid of this old hag!" the pair of them yell before flying away. 

Cheers erupt in the crowd of students. I share wide smile with Harry and I even see Professor Flitwick pump his fist in the air. 


A/N: This was a super short chapter, more of a filler but things will be full speed ahead starting in the next one. 

The next chapter may or may not be torturous (hint hint)

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