23 - unexpected death

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MY relationship with Harry is going really well, better than when we first got together. We spend most of our time together, other than when Harry is getting his lessons from Dumbledore or he's obsessing over whatever he suspects Draco is up to, which probably isn't anything good. But what I really love is that he's now confiding in me about everything that's happening, no longer leaving me in the dark which I greatly appreciate. But as I know from every year past, nothing can stay normal and calm at Hogwarts for long. 


"I have to go somewhere with Dumbledore tonight. He won't tell me where but it has something to do with the horcruxes, I think. But I think something bad is going to happen here tonight and I want you all to stay safe. Split the last bit of Felix Felicis between the four of you, and try and monitor the halls for anything strange. We can use the old galleons from the DA to recruit some other people to." Harry tells us one night in late June. 

"Harry, you're scaring me. What's going to happen?" I ask before taking a small sip of the liquid luck potion. 

"I'm not sure, but I have a bad feeling. I think Draco is planning something and it's gonna go down tonight, while Dumbledore is gone. You need to protect yourself, y/n."

I throw my arms around him in a tight hug. "Don't worry. You practically taught me everything I know and I'm getting pretty good at the nonverbal spells. Be safe." I tell him, planting I kiss on his lips. "I love you." I whisper.

"I love you too, y/n." He whispers back and then he's gone, on his way to the Headmaster's office.


DUMBLEDORE is dead. Harry said something bad was going to happen tonight but I didn't expect it to be this. It was just a swirl of rumours and whispers at first but as I push through the crowd that's gathered at the base of the astronomy tower, I see that the whispers are based on truth.

Dumbledore lays there, motionless and serene, almost like he expected and accepted his death. Kneeling beside him is Harry, his shoulders shaking as he cries. I tentatively approach him, kneeling down beside him and wrapping me arms around him to comfort him. 

"It's going to be okay." I whisper to him but even as I say it, I know it's not true. And Harry knows that too but he doesn't say anything, just continues to kneel beside the old man, tears streaking his face as the group that surrounds us lifts there wands in the air, firing white lights into the sky.


EVERYONE stays at Hogwarts later than usual this year to say goodbye to Professor Dumbledore at his funeral. The ceremony is held outside the castle near the Black Lake where is body is put to rest in a white tomb while numerous guests, including, students, faculty, Ministry staff, and old friends sit in golden chairs. 

I sit beside Harry, holding his hand in mine and giving him a reassuring squeeze every once in a while, but he doesn't say a word until the end of the ceremony when people start to leave. 

"We can't see each other anymore." he says. 

I'm stunned by the sudden decision but quickly regain my composure. "What, what are you talking about?"

"I think it's best if we break things off between us. For good this time. Everyone that gets close to me ends up dead; my parents, Sirius and now Dumbledore. You've already been tortured because of me, I don't want our relationship to be the reason you get killed. There's a war on the horizon and I need to do my part to protect you from what's to come."

"Harry. You know perfectly well that I'm fully capable of protecting myself." I argue.

"I know, but being my girlfriend isn't going to help matters. They'll try and use you to get to me if they know about us, which it might only be a matter of time before they do. That's why we need to end this thing now and hope that Voldemort and his followers don't find out about our history. That way you'll be truly protected. You're a pureblood, they won't come after you without good reason. And being with me would give them reason to. I can't do that to you. I can't lose you too."

"You can't be serious Harry." I protest.

"I am, y/n. Just know that I'm doing this because I love you more than life itself and it would kill me to know that I was the reason something bad happened to you. So, yeah. This is it." He says, and I know there's no arguing with him as he gives me one last chaste kiss on the lips, letting go of my hands and walking off with Ron and Hermione, leaving me to wonder when I'll ever see him again. 


Harry's POV

IT'S our last night before we leave Hogwarts to head back home. I just broke up with y/n and now my heart feels empty, like I'm missing a part of myself, but I know it was the right thing to do.

"What do you think Hogwarts will be like next year? With Dumbledore gone?" Hermione asks, leaning against the railing of the astronomy tower as she comes over to stand next to me. 

I take a deep breath. "I'm not coming back Hermione. I've got to finish whatever Dumbledore started, and I don't know where that'll lead me, but I'll let you and Ron know where I am when I can."

Hermione lets out a sigh as she rolls her eyes, giving me a pointed stare. "I've always admired your courage Harry, but sometimes you can be really thick. You don't really think you're going to be able to find all those horcruxes by yourself do you? You need us Harry."

I nod solemnly. I know she's right, I just wish it wasn't true. I decide to change the subject for the time being. 

"I never noticed how beautiful this place was." I comment, looking out over the railing so I can truly take in Hogwarts and all its grounds. It's funny how you don't notice the beauty of something until you're on the verge of never seeing it again.

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