15 - diagon alley

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WITH the beginning of the school year only a few days away, Mrs. Weasley deems today the perfect day to go to Diagon Alley to get our school supplies and promises we can also stop by Fred and George's joke shop before we head home. 

When we get outside, I'm surprised to see a ministry car waiting for us and Hagrid standing beside it. "Oh, I forgot to tell you. They're stepping up security because of well..." he gestures to his lightning bolt scar and I nod in understanding before climbing into the car alongside him. 

Once we've purchased all of our new school books which includes, Advanced Potion Making, The Standard Book of Spells Grade 6, and A Guide to Advanced Transfiguration, we make our way to the part of Diagon Alley where Fred and George's shop is located.

The store is a shock of colour against all the other dreary stores that line the street, a lot of which are already boarding up their windows. Weasley's Wizard Wheezes is scrawled across the storefront in a loopy cursive and in the front window is a large poster that reads, 

Don't worry about you-know-who. You should be worrying about u-no-poo, the constipation that's gripping the nation

Leave it to Fred and George to make a joke about the dark times that lay ahead. We all forge ahead into the store, pushing through the large crows that occupy most sections of the store. As soon as we're visible to other people in the store, I notice a large display of various love potions. A large group of girls examine the various options while looking furtively at Harry. 

Great. Now I have to worry about girls drugging my boyfriend so he falls in love with them. I guess everyone wants to date the chosen one. I shoot them each a glare saying too bad ladies, he's mine, before grabbing Harry's hand and pulling him deeper into the store. 

"Did you notice all those girls staring at you back there?" I whisper to him as we look a shelf of defence objects. 

"Are you sure they were staring at me?"

I roll my eyes. "Of course they were. They were eyeing you while looking at the love potions."

He shrugs. "I didn't notice. But I did notice that Cormac McLaggen was checking you out."

"Why would he be doing that?"

"Because you're gorgeous, smart, kind, basically everything a guy looks for. But don't worry, I am the chosen one, so I think I could take him in a duel if it came down to it."

"You are not getting into a duel because of me." I mockingly scold. 

He chuckles. "I'll do whatever I have to keep you as mine." He says, planting a kiss on my cheek. "I'm gonna go check out the sweets with Ron."

Harry wanders over to Ron so I decide to check out the display of WonderWitch products. The whole display is a violent pink colour filled to the brim with vials, boxes, and bottles. The products displayed causes me to roll my eyes. 

 Calamity Lotion - love potion

Crush Blush - love potion

Cupid Crystals - love potion

Everlasting Eyelashes - cosmetic product

First Love Beguiling Bubbles - love potion

Flirting Fancies - love potion

Heartbreak Teardrops - love potion

Kissing Concoction - love potion

Love is Blind Eye Serum - love potion

Ten-Second Pimple Vanisher  - cosmetic product

Twilight Moonbeams - love potion

"What do you think?" a voice behind me asks, snapping me out of my judgment of the products in front of him. I turn around to see Fred and George looking at me expectantly, awaiting my answer. 

"I think it's a bit sexist of you to assume that the only thing women care about is love and their looks." I tell them. 

"Interesting input but it's all selling very well, so I think we'll keep selling them." George chuckles. "Besides, I'm surprised you're even checking out the display."

"And why's that?" I ask, crossing my arms over my chest. 

"Well you don't seem to need any help in the love department. I mean, you're currently dating the one and only Harry Potter, and it seems you've caught the attention of both Cormac McLaggen and Blaise Zabini." Fred says, nodding his head in the direction of the other side of the store.

I peer around Fred and George's body and sure enough the two boys they mentioned are watching me with interest. I can't help but blush at the sudden attention. 

"Well then, I should probably go find Harry." I say, before pushing past the twins and walking through the store in search of my boyfriend. After doing a couple loops around the store, I realize that Harry, Ron and Hermione are gone. I decide to leave the store, figuring I can handle myself if any danger comes along and search out the trio. I end up running into them a couple shops down but it seems as if they were just in Knockturn Alley. But since the rest of the family is approaching us, I decide not to ask, not wanting to get them in trouble. I'll save my curiosity for later.


"WHERE did you disappear today when we were in the twins shop?" I ask Harry, that evening as I hang out in his room before going to bed.

"Oh, I saw Malfoy and his mum heading down to Knockturn alley. They looked kind of suspicious and freaked out, like they were scared someone might be following them. So we decided to check it out."

We. As in him, Hermione and Ron. 

"Why didn't you ask me to come along?" I ask. I don't want to come off as petty but it does kind of sting that Harry would get his two best friends to tag along and not get his girlfriend to come along too. I mean, I'm not helpless. I held my own during the battle at the department of mysteries at the end of last year. 

"We had to use my invisibility cloak to get past Hagrid and security. It would've been too small for all four of them." Harry says to which I nod in understanding. 

His answer makes sense, but as I lay in bed that night I can't help but think that this could be the beginning of the end between us.

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