22 - felix felicis

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A/N: Smut warning.



RON is getting comfortable in his bed, reading a book about the Chudley Canons while I sit in Harry's bed reading my Advanced Potion making textbook, that's when Harry bursts into the room. I glance up from my book and see that he's panting, clearly out of breath most likely from running back to the dorms before his luck ran out and he got caught my Filch. 

"Oh hey, Harry. Did you know that taking Felix Felicis can sometimes have certain side effects like giddiness, recklessness, euphoria, and...oh." I read off the page before stopping when I see the last side effect. Then I look up to see Harry's face and notice his eyes are burning with lust. 

"Ron, you should probably leave." Harry says, his breathing slowing down as he looks over at his roommate. 

"Why?" Ron grumbles, not even looking up from his book. 

"Because one of the side effects of taking Felix Felicis can lead to extreme arousal and being overall horny." I tell Ron, blushing as I say it. 

Ron finally looks up from his textbook, his eyes wide. "Alright I'm going." he says and it's the fastest I've ever seen him leave the room. 

"And into the fact that I haven't had sex with you in months, I think it's amplifying the side effects. This could last all night." Harry says once Ron has left. 

I smirk as I put my textbook to the side and climb off the bed, walking over to Harry as I take in the sight of him and his prominent erection pressing against his pants. 

"I'm fine with that." I grin, closing the gap between us. 

I join my lips with his. They move against each other of their own accord, and the butterflies in my stomach everytime we kiss makes me feel like it's the first time again. His tongue swipes against my bottom lip before working its way into my mouth, I let out a groan as he sucks on my bottom lip. Then we're no longer going slow. 

Our actions are hurried as we work fast to get each others clothes off. I tug on his tie, loosening it as he nibbles on my ear before moving his mouth so he's sucking on the sensitive part of my neck, but I don't distract easily as I continue my task of getting him naked. Once his tie has been taken off and his shirt unbuttoned, I latch my mouth onto his neck, sucking, licking and nipping my way down his chest, leaving a trail of kisses down his torso to his v-line. 

I hastily undo his belt, pulling it off his waist before unbuttoning his pants and pulling them down his legs, looking up at him from where I've situated myself on my knees. He helps me get his pants off as I do the same with his boxers, before taking his length in my hand.

I run my thumb over the tip, smirking as he sucks in a sharp breath, then I swirl my tongue around the tip. "Fuck, y/n." he groans, tangling his fingers in my hair, urging me to take more of him. So I do, taking as much of him into my mouth as I can. I sheath my teeth, and hollow my cheeks, drawing my mouth along his dick.

"Look at me." Harry demands, and if it wasn't for the fact that I was already on my knees, his commanding voice would've made them give out. "Good girl." He says when my e/c meet his emerald green ones, that are blazing with lust and desire as he tightens his grip on the wall to keep himself steady as I continue to pull my mouth back and forth, back and forth, until I feel his abs tense under my grip, my hands holding onto his hips. 

"Y/N, I'm going to come." He moans, prompting me to suck harder as I take everything he has to offer and swallow. When he's done, he takes my hand and lifts me to my feet, placing a kiss on my lips. "I guess the liquid luck lasted longer than I thought it would." he grins.

"Oh, that had nothing to do with the potion, that wore off as soon as you came into the room." I smirk, and then he's circling his strong arms around my knees, tossing me over his shoulder before throwing me onto the bed. 

"Now, lets finish getting these clothes off you shall we?" Harry says, looking at me with a devilish smirk and mischievous gleam in his eyes, as he unclasps my bra and tosses it carelessly across the room. 

"Fuck, I never get over how beautiful you are." He says looking down at me before pressing his lips to mine. But his mouth doesn't stay there long before he's traveling down to my neck, just like I did to him moments ago. His lips trace a line down my neck, to my collarbone and then between the valley of breasts before he stops to take one of my nipples into his mouth. 

He sucks on the now hardened bud as he runs the other one between the pad of his thumb and index finger. The simple action makes me arch my back into his touch, craving some sort of contact against my core, some friction to give me some release.

"Eager, aren't we, darling?" Harry teases, his smirk widening as he discards my now hard and distended nipples to continue his slow torturous trail down the plane of my stomach before stopping as he reaches the strip of sensitive skin just above the waistband of my panties. 

"Is this what you want?" Harry asks, teasing me as presses a finger against the thin and now damp fabric. 

"Always so fucking ready for me, aren't you?" 

Then he tugs off the undergarment, leaving me bare in front of him. "Muffliato." he says, casting the spell towards the dormitory door before turning back to me with a grin. "Now you can be as loud as you want."

His tongue is on me a matter of milliseconds later, swiping up my center. "Harry." I moan, already getting out of breath. I tangle my fingers in his hair to keep his mouth against me, which he uses to latch onto my sensitive bundle of nerves. A jolt of electricity shoots through me and I buck my hips at the sudden sensation, but he keeps me down with one arm and I wonder what he plans on doing with his other arm, but then he answers my unspoken question. 

One finger moves into me followed by a second, causing me to let out a gasp. He moves his fingers, pumping them in and out as he continues to work his tongue around my clit. It doesn't take long for the combination of sensations to lead to the growing pressure inside me. It builds and builds begging for release. 

Harry seems to sense it because he pulls his mouth away for a split second, although his fingers keep working their magic. "That's right, baby. Come for me. I want to hear you moan my name." And then his mouth and tongue are back on me again and I shatter. The increasing pressure expanding and exploding within me, reaching out to every last one of my nerve endings as my orgasm rips through me. 

I cry out his name as I come and he continues to work his fingers and tongue, riding me through my high. 

A/N: I really hope that was smutty enough for you lol

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