5 - christmas holiday

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LATER that day I leave Hogwarts with Neville since he invited me to spend the holidays with him and his Gran. It's a tradition we've kept up since second year, I spend Christmas and Easter holidays with him and his Gran, and during the summer I go back to my own house. That's why I absolutely dread the summers, ever since Mum passed away, Dad has never been the same. He usually just keeps to myself, leaving me to my own lonely devices as an only child. But I don't have to worry about that now, because spending holidays with Neville and his Gran are always the best. And this year, I'm floating in a haze of happiness as a result of my kiss with Harry. But at the back of my mind, I still worry about Mr. Weasley and Harry's nightmares. 


CHRISTMAS morning, we unwrap our presents at Neville's house and once we're done, we make our way to London to St. Mungo's Hospital of Magical Maladies so we can visit Neville's parents. Neville's parents were tortured for information by Bellatrix Lestrange when he was an infant, tortured so badly they lost their minds and he's been living with his Gran ever since. Despite them not recognizing their own son, he still comes back to visit whenever he can. 

"Mr. and Mrs. Longbottom? You have a visitor." One of the workers says, guiding us into the room that's part of the closed ward. I take Neville's hand reassuringly in my own as we enter the room, knowing how difficult this can be for him. 

Whenever we're here visiting, Alice and Frank never speak, a result of the Cruciatus curse. So we spend the entire time sitting at their bedside, while Neville does all the talking, telling them about the DA in hushed whispers, the plants he's learning about in Herbology and even my crush on Harry. I keep my hand intertwined with his the whole time, giving it a few squeezes every now and then. 

It's mid-afternoon by the time we begin to leave the closed ward. That's when we run into Harry, Hermione, Ron and Ginny. Panic automatically takes over Neville's face, since no one at school besides me knows about his parents situation. 

"Hey, Neville. Hey, y/n. What are you guys doing here?" Ron asks, earning him in an elbow in the side from Ginny as Hermione shoots him a glare. 

"Y/n!" Harry cries, pulling me into a hug which gives me huge grin. My smile widens as he plants soft kiss on my cheek. 

"Neville, you mean to tell me that you haven't told your friends at school about your parents?" the stern voice belonging to his grandmother questions as she approaches our group. 

"No...not yet...I..." Neville trails off not sure what to say. 

"You should be ashamed of yourself! You should be proud of your parents, not ashamed of them." she scolds before turning to face the group. "My son and his wife were tortured into insanity by Bellatrix Lestrange after you-know-who's downfall." she explains. 

"I'm sorry Neville, I didn't know." Hermione says, tears glistening in her eyes. 

Neville nods solemnly, not saying a word until a woman taps him on his shoulder. It's Alice. She holds out an empty wrapper to him, smiling proudly at the gift she's come up with. Neville smiles sheepishly at her but I watch with a sad smile on his face as he pockets the wrapper to take home with him. 

Neville and his Gran start to wordlessly escort her back to her room, leaving me alone with the group. Harry sends a glance their way that I don't see but they all make up various excuses about getting tea and visiting Gilderoy Lockhart before dispersing, leaving me and Harry alone in the hallway of the closed ward. 

"It's nice to see you." He starts. 

I smile. "It's nice to see you too."

"I wish I could write to you over the holiday but because of security stuff that I can't really explain, I can't. But I just wanted to let you know that when we get back to school, I would love to take you out on a date in Hogsmeade." 

"Yeah, I would love that." I reply, suddenly feeling shy as he leans in to kiss my cheek again before leaving with his friends. 


I end up telling Neville everything about my conversation with Harry once we get back to his house, he's so happy for me that it mostly cheers him after getting down about his visit with his parents. 

For the rest of the holiday, Neville and I spend most of our time in his room, practicing the wand motions for various spells we've learning so far in our DA meetings. Although, we can't really tell if the practice is paying off since we can't actually perform the spells without risking getting expelled for the use of underage magic away from Hogwarts. 

When we're not practicing, I use my time to try and persuade Neville to ask Luna out on a date. Although he's never directly told me that he fancies her, I kind of have the feeling he does based on how nervous and quiet he gets whenever he's around her. But all Neville says everytime I urge him to shoot his shot is, "I'll think about it," which when it comes to Neville is basically equivalent to never. 

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