18 - cormac mclaggen

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KATIE Bell was attacked. No one knows exactly how it happens but I've heard bits and pieces of people's stories. Although it's hard to separate rumour from truth. She was bewitched. Tortured. Possessed. Every single potential explanation has circulated throughout the school. We all want answers but I doubt we'll be getting them anytime soon. One thing is for sure though, something dark is happening at Hogwarts. Something darker than usual. 

With Katie's attack, she's out of commission for who knows how long, leaving the Gryffindor Quidditch team one chaser short and the first game of the season only a week away. This is what after weeks of not talking, causes Harry to approach me in the Gryffindor common room. 

"Hey, y/n. You probably heard about Katie not being able to play. I was wondering if maybe you could take her spot until she's better. I know you didn't try out for the team but you're a really good flyer." Harry says. 

"Sure." I agree because I have no self-control and how am I supposed to say no to the boy I love?


QUIDDITCH practice for the upcoming game against Slytherin has been exhausting and sometimes it feels endless. I'm just thankful that Dean is one of the other chasers so we get to hang out and walk to and from practice together. 

But not today because Seamus showed up in the Gryffindor changerooms and now the two are most likely having sex in the showers. I swear those two are constantly shagging, but I guess that's what you get when two seventeen year old boys are in a relationship together. I'm just bitter because their affection makes me hyperaware of my loneliness and now because it's leaving me to walk back to Gryffindor tower on my own. 

"Hey, y/l/n! Wait up!" I hear a voice yell from behind me. I turn around to see none other than Cormac McLaggen running up to me. 


Harry's POV

WHEN I round the corner to the hallway that leads to the entrance to the Gryffindor common room, I stop in my tracks. In my line of vision is Cormac McLaggen, his arm propped against the wall as he towers over y/n, where she leans against the wall. She's laughing at something he just said and I can see a wide grin spread across his face that I have the urge to slap off. Scratch that, I want to punch the guy. I want to rip him away from her, push him to the ground and beat him to a bloody pulp. The only thing stopping me is the fear that that will just push y/n farther away. 

"You want me to use my Prefect authority to break it up?" Ron asks, startling me slightly. In all my rage I had forgotten that we were walking back to the common room together. 

"I want stop you if you decide to." 

Ron seems to take this as a good enough answer because he immediately starts advancing towards them. 

"Oi! McLaggen! Get out of here before I give you detention for canoodling in the hallway!" Ron shouts at them. 

Cormac automatically pulls away from the wall, leaving a blushing y/n standing by his side.

"You can't do that." Cormac challenges.

"Actually I can and I will if you don't get out of here now. I'm a prefect, remember?" 

This seems to work because Cormac says a hurried goodbye to y/n before heading into the common room. I start to follow Ron in as well but a hand grabs onto my arm. Y/N.

"You're such a prick, Harry."

I'm taken aback by her words but quickly recover my composure. "And why's that?"

"Because you used Ron to get rid of Cormac. We were having a conversation, is that a bad thing?"

"It looked like he wanted to have more than a conversation." I mutter but she hears me. 

She rolls her eyes, folding her arms over her chest as she looks at me furiously. 

"You can't fucking do this, Harry! You don't get to push me away and then get mad and jealous when I start to move on!"

"And what? You plan on moving on with Cormac fucking McLaggen of all people?!"

"Even if I did, it's none of your fucking business. You lost the right for your opinion to matter to me when you started keeping things from me."

Then without another word, she spins on her heels and storms into the common room, slamming the portrait door behind her. I'm left standing in the hallway by myself, stunned as a pit forms in my stomach.

I messed up. She's right. I kept things from her and I pushed her away. And it's only now that she's not mine anymore that I realize that I love her. I'm fucking in love with her and I have no fucking idea how I'm supposed to win her back. Or if it's even worth attempting because the last thing I want to do is risk her safety.


A/N: A Gryffindor named Demelza Robbins is the third chaser in the books but Dean deserves some glory so I changed it. 

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