17 - potions with slughorn

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A/N: For the sake of this fanfic, Cormac McLaggen and Romilda Vane are in the same year as y/n and Harry. Normally Cormac is a year older, and Romilda is a year younger than them. But we're just going to ignore that.



WHEN we get back to the Gryffindor common room for the evening, I decide to pull Harry aside for a chat. I need to know what's going on with him. Why would he go from being so affectionate to suddenly distancing himself? There has to be something going on. Or maybe he's just losing feelings. No. I can't think like that. 

"Harry? Can we chat for a second?" I ask tentatively. Merlin, I can't believe this has gotten to the point where I'm nervous about asking my own boyfriend if we can talk. 

Harry nods and follows me to my dormitory so we can have some privacy, away from the prying eyes and eager ears of all the girls who fancy him. 

"What's going on with you?" I ask as soon as I close the door behind us, jumping straight to the point. 

"Nothing." He shrugs. 

"Don't lie to me, Harry. You followed Draco Malfoy down an alley, which could have had extremely dangerous consequences. This afternoon you disappeared for the rest of ride on the train and then you show up in the Great Hall covered in your own blood. You didn't even say a word to me. I'm your girlfriend. And I get it, you, Ron and Hermione have a strong friendship but sometimes it would be nice to be included."

"Y/N, I don't know what to tell you. There's nothing going on."

Despite this being the second time he's said this, I know he's lying to me. He saw something that day when he followed Draco and he's been acting strange and distant ever since. 

"Well, I'm sorry Harry but I don't believe you. And I can't be in a relationship where I feel like I'm being lied to almost all the time."

"So, what are you saying?" he asks even though he knows exactly what I'm saying. He just wants to hear me say it. 

"I'm saying..." I start, taking a deep breath, "...that I don't thing we should be together anymore. This relationship is over." 

"Alright then." Harry nods and then without another word, leaves my room. 

I flop back onto my bed, so many emotions taking over my mind and body. Sadness, anger, frustration, confusion, and...relief?


FIRST period the next morning I have NEWT level Potions with Professor Slughorn, who apparently has been recruited to teach potions while Snape fills the slot of Defence Against the Darks Arts professor. Neville is in the class with me, and I'm thankful as I think back to how Harry didn't get an OWL in fifth year so he won't be in the class. It'll be nice to not start off my day in the presence of my now ex-boyfriend.

I give Hermione a weak smile as I pass her and get a table beside Neville. Once the class is relatively filled Slughorn starts to speak. 

"Good morning everyone. Now, I thought it would be fun if I were to show you three potions and you told me what they are. Any volunteers?" 

Hermione's arm automatically shoots up into the air. 


"Granger, sir. The first one is Polyjuice Potion. It allows the drinker to temporarily assume the form of another person. The second is Felix Felicis, which makes the drinker lucky."

"And the third?" Slughorn prompts, lifting the lid off the cauldron, so the scent of cloves, cinnamon and citrus fills the room. 

"Smells like almonds, chestnuts and citrus. Kind of like you." Neville whispers beside me.

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