14 - summer at the burrow

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WITHOUT the excitement of Hogwarts, the summer seems to pass at a sluggishly slow rate. Luckily I have Harry's letters detailing the events of his stay at the Dursley's to keep me entertained. 

A couple weeks into the summer holidays, an owl slams into my bedroom window, a letter tied to its leg. Once I've untied the envelope from the old owl's leg, I give him a few treats before carefully opening the letter.

Dear y/n, 

I'm not sure if Harry has told you, probably not because he only just found out himself, but Dumbledore will be taking him somewhere for who knows what and after that, he'll be arriving here at the Burrow for the rest of the summer. Hermione is already here and Harry should be arriving in the next couple of days.

Anyways, we were wondering if you would like to come for the rest of the summer, seeing as you're Harry's girlfriend and I've already had to listen to him complain about being apart from you in all his letters so far. This way, you can spend time with him and I don't have to listen to anymore of his complaints. 

Send Errol back with your answer and then we'll send someone to pick up.



Spending the rest of the summer with the Weasleys, would be a lot better than sticking around here alone. I would get to spend some time with Harry before our hectic sixth year starts, and the Weasleys are an absolutely wonderful family. I'm so happy that Ron thought to invite me. I've definitely gotten closer with him and Hermione since Harry and I started dating during fifth year.

I quickly grab a piece of parchment, my quill and ink and begin writing my reply to Ron. 


A few days later I'm travelling by floo powder to The Burrow. As soon as I step out of the fireplace, covered in ash and soot, I see Harry standing in the kitchen. I barrel over to him, throwing myself into his arms. He catches me as I wrap my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck before kissing him. I kiss him like it's been forever when in reality it's only been a few weeks. But a few weeks in the life of the Chosen One can be a matter of life and death.

The Chosen One. That's what they call Harry now, the boy who lived, chosen to defeat the most powerful dark wizard the wizarding world has ever seen.

"Ah young love." Molly muses, causing me to pull away from Harry. I disentangle myself from him, blush forming on my cheeks. Although we've slept together on multiple occasions, Harry and I have yet to say that four letter L-word to one another. And even though my feelings for him are stronger than anything I've ever felt for a guy before, I'm not sure if I would classify it as being in love just yet. 

"Thank you for having me for the summer, Mrs. Weasley." I thank her.

"Oh, it's no problem at all. Harry is like a seventh son to me, so of course you're always welcome here, y/n." She says. 

Ron and Hermione enter the room and hug me tightly. "It's so good to see you, y/n." Hermione gushes. 

"You too, Hermione. And Ron." I smile. 

"You'll be in Ginny's room with her and Hermione." Molly tells me before turning to Harry. "And you get Fred and George's old room. I'll leave you all to get settled."

The four of us head up the steep and creaky stairs, placing my bags in Ginny's room before heading to Harry's room to chat. 

"What did Dumbledore want?" I ask, settling on one of the beds beside Harry while Ron and Hermione sit down on the other. 

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