21 - love

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Harry's POV

SMALL spots of light fill my vision as my eyelids slowly flutter open. My head aches like I've run into a wall but then I realize it's not a wall I hit. Cormac fucking McLaggen hit a bloody Bludger straight to my head. 

Once my vision clears and is no longer fuzzy, I let out a groan before turning my head to the side to see if anyone is near by. Sure enough I see a h/c haired girl with her head bent over a textbook. 

"Y/N?" I croak, my throat dry from being unconscious for who knows how long. 

"Harry? You're awake!" she cries and I swear I see tears glistening in her eyes. 

"Yeah. How long have you been here?"

"Since you were knocked out a couple days ago."

"A couple days?!" I yell, sitting up straight which I automatically regret as a dizzy feeling starts to take over my body.

"Easy there." y/n says, pushing me back down so I'm laying down. "I was so worried about you Harry."

"You don't need to worry about me. I've escaped from Voldemort multiple times, a little crack in the school won't be what kills me."

She doesn't laugh at my joke and I know that there's something else on her mind. I don't get the chance to ask before she's blurting it out. 

"I ended things with Blaise." she says suddenly. "Right after you were injured. I've tried to deny it for the longest time and to continue to push down my feelings for you but it never worked. I'm in love with you and I guess it took you getting seriously injured for me to realize that those feelings for you will probably never go away. And now I'm really hoping you feel the same way because if not I've waited by your bed side for the past two days for nothing and completely embarrassed myself."

"I love you too, y/n."


"Yeah." I nod. 

Then she's leaning over and kissing me, pressing her soft lips to mine. When she starts to pull away, I reach out to grab the back of her neck to pull her closer so I can kiss her longer but she bats my hand away. 

"You need to rest. We can do those things when you're feeling better." she smirks.



MADAM Pomfrey is very serious when she tells Harry that although he's leaving the hospital, he still needs to take things easy for a couple of days. With Harry never really being one to follow the rules, I decide that I'll be the one to make sure he sticks to Madam Pomfrey's request. 

With Harry being forced to take things easy, it gives the two of us plenty of time to catch up on lost time. Harry fills me on all his meetings with Dumbledore, telling me about their mission to hunt down and destroy all of Voldemort's horcruxes so when the time comes Harry can defeat him. 

We spend the next couple of days doing typical couple things, going to class, eating together in the Great Hall, holding hands as we walk through the corridors, studying together, sneaking kisses between classes, cuddling in his bed and falling asleep in his arms. 

But those blissful couple of days pass by quickly. Too quickly. And soon Harry is jumping back into things full swing. 

"Dumbledore is losing patience. I need to get that memory from Slughorn soon. I'll do it tonight." Harry decides. 

He's pacing back and forth across his dormitory floor while Hermione, Ron and I sit and watch him. 

"But how are you going to do that, mate? I mean, you've tried asking him multiple times and he always finds some excuse to leave." Ron says. 

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