sixty six

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I frowned at my reflection and rubbed at the dark circles under my eyes, hoping that they would miraculously disappear before I had to leave.

Surprise surprise. It didn't work.

I walked out the bathroom with a sigh and shrugged on a random jacket, grabbing my key card and phone before walking out the hotel room. Taking my time to head down to the lobby, I decided on taking the stairs down rather than the elevator.

In retrospect, it was a bad idea considering my room's on the eighth floor.

After walking down a seemingly endless amount of steps, I was completely out of breath when I reached the lobby. Ignoring the few staring bystanders, my eyes swept the room until I found Neptune and Angela talking near the main doors.

Swallowing down my nerves, I regained my breath and walked over to them, receiving hugs in greeting once I was close enough.

The two looked no better than I did. I was expecting that.

When we separated Neptune linked her arm with mine and together we stepped outside with Angela, walking two blocks over to the hospital in silence. My stomach twisted when we reached the receptions desk.

Maybe I'm not as ready as I thought.

Before I knew it we were walking down the nauseatingly clean smelling hall, getting closer to Bellamy's room with every step. My eyes followed along the room numbers in attempt to distract me from my anxiousness— it didn't help much.

F38.. F32.. F26.. F24...

Shit. We're here.

I swallowed the lump in my throat and cast a glance at Neptune, she looked over at Angela who gestured towards the closed door. Neptune hesitated as she reached out for the knob but still continued to push open the door. I squeezed her arm before we stepped into the room and when we finally did I could've sworn my heart stopped.

I was immediately hit with the sight of Bellamy. Bellamy. Connected to a number of needles and tubes. Bellamy. Surrounded by countless beeping machines. Bellamy. Usual tan skin pale and bruised.


I blinked once. Twice.

If it weren't for the beeping coming from the heart monitor I wouldn't be sure he was alive.

Neptune's arm dropped from mine and both her hands went up to cup her mouth, my arm dropped down to my side. Roughly swallowing, I felt my throat go dry. Tears brimmed my eyes, my vision blurred — I'm not entirely sure if I was even breathing at the moment.

Everything merged into a blur. I was running out the room, down the hall, pushing through nurses and visitors without apologizing for doing it. I pushed my self into an empty bathroom and threw open the stall, falling to my knees to throw up my breakfast.

I grasped the metal bar attached to the side of the stall to keep me up right as I continued to spit up the remaining food in my stomach. After dry heaving for a bit I was finally able to slump back against the stall wall and breathe. Closing my eyes, I brought my knees to my chest and leaned my forehead down, ignoring the sound of the bathroom door opening.

Neptune waited outside the stall as I gathered the strength to stand and unlock the door, pushing it open and walking passed her to the sinks. I washed my hands and rinsed my mouth around a dozen times before raising my head and staring at my reflection in the mirror, quickly getting sick of myself and shifting my eyes to Neptune.

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