twenty five

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I won't deny that in my 16 years of living I have done many nerve racking things,

But telling my family almost anything that has happened in our 14 years apart has to be one of the most terrifying things I'll ever do.

Reason 1- I don't know how they'll react.

Reason 2- They are literally the mafia, not that I think they'll kill me but they can get rid off me if they really wanted too.

Reason 3- I really don't want to give them any reason to look at me differently.

As a misunderstood kid, as a joke, even as a killer although that would be very hypocritical.

And lord forbid they looked at me with pity because if they do I might get violent.

I hate the look of pity.

But who doesn't?

There's a nagging voice in the back of my head telling me to run, "leave and don't come back. Leave before they leave you."

A motto I've been living by for a very long time.

But as I sit in front of the five men who Ive learned to trust wholeheartedly for the last month I knew that even with the little voice in the back of my head,

I can tell them everything.

They quickly became everything to me in the time span of four weeks and that itself is terrifying.

To anyone else who's known me for a month, they would say I'm emotionless, a robot.

But they're different.

They're my family.

And by now I would do anything for them. Kill, die, even live, as long as it's to protect them.

and that's why they need to know.

"Okay Pops, let's talk."

They all did indeed looked shocked.

I mean they probably didn't expect you too be so compliant. Give them a minute.

"Do you want me to start?" I had a feeling there was no other way to start this conversation so I decided I should take the lead.

"Um. I-" Dad coughed. "I don't want to force you to tell us anything, but I would appreciate answering a few questions. Only if your comfortable that is.."

He seems so uncomfortable.

You caught him off guard give the man some slack.

You may be right for once.

"Knowing everything will answer all your questions."

"Okay Sorellina, take your time." Adriano cut in.

Okay so where do I start.

With the mafia thing, get it out the way dumbass.

You know what, I don't like you.

You don't have too. Now start,

"Well first and foremost-" what kinda school presentati- what ever. "- I know you have some involvement with the illegal world."

All five Ferrari's paled.

"What are you talking about?"

"I thought that would be kind of obvious but I know the 'family business' is code word for the Italian mafia. Before you try to explain, we'll get to that later I just thought I'd let you guys know my knowledge of it now prior to when I start."

Dad looked severely confused, Demitri looked impressed?


and the other three looked extremely pale.

Way to break the ice. You should get a round of applause.

Not now.


If this is a trigger I highly suggest skipping the rest of this chap.

"I guess the best place to start is mom." We all winced at the word.

They looked at me with patience, I had there full attention. Sigh.

"When I was nine, I came home from school to find her in the bathroom -passed out- after overdosing. I sat next to her for five minutes thinking she was asleep, shaking her, yelling her name.

It wasn't until I found the note is when I called the cops."


Nine year old Athena entered her childhood home or, as most would call it, run down apartment with a smile on her face.

This was one of the few days her mother wasn't busy with working at the diner and she was counting down the minutes to when they would watch the sunset.

"Μαμά είμαι σπίτι!" (Mom I'm home!) Young Athena spoke fluently in Greek.

Maya Ferrari made sure to teach her daughter how to speak Greek since she could talk. She wanted Athena to know the history of her name and  the beautiful language of her culture.

Hearing no answer, young Athena ran all around the house until she found the bathroom door slightly open.

Barging in, she was met with the sight of her mother on the hard tile floor, a empty pill bottle in her hand with a note.

Not understanding what was happening, young Athena yelled to her mother again, along with gently shaking her.

"Μαμά ξυπνήστε! Ο ύπνος στο πάτωμα είναι άβολα." (Mom wake up! Sleeping on the floor is uncomfortable.) Pushing the long fawn hair out of her mother's face, young Athena realized her mother was extremely pale.

Finally taking notice of the note in her mother's hand, Athena grabbed it and flipped it open.

" My little Greek Goddess,

I'm so sorry that I couldn't fight longer for you baby, but I've lost my battle.

I want you to know this wasn't your fault,

I love you with my whole possible being and my dying wish is for you to one reunited with your Father and brothers again.

I should've never took you away from them, thats something Ive regretted since the day we left.

Remember that I will always be with you my little Greek Goddess even when you can not see me.

- Love Μαμά (mom)"

Young Athena was well aware that her mom wasn't sleeping anymore.

She immediately called 911- something she had learned weeks ago in school- and held her mothers unnaturally cold hand, teary eyed and waited until the police had arrived.

When they had, they took her out the bathroom and into the living room. Knowing they were too late to save Maya, the police kept Athena away from her.

But even as a nine year old, she was smart.

She had known her mother was gone.

And here goes to the beginning of the back story...

Thank you for reading.

See you next chapter
-Aajaené ʕ⁎̯͡⁎ʔ

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