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Walking through the blue and white painted hallway, all eyes were on me.

It's not like I'm exaggerating, literally everyone is staring at me. One of the many things I've become accustomed to through out the years attending Lake Bridge high.

Maybe this time they actually have a reason to stare considering there is a furious Valery in front of me, storming to the principals office. Or should I say a furious trash bag.

I suppose she's mad because I punched her in the face and possibly gave her a black eye.

It's not like she didn't deserve it.

She should have never thought it was okay to throw two freshman into the lockers, especially when they had no power to fight back. They wouldn't have dared, cause her daddy is rich and can "end their lives".

Valery's words not mine.

I personally don't care.

Rounding the corner, the familiar office comes into view. The mirrored glass walls of the office show my reflection as we walk closer. A smart decision made by our lovely principle. He can see out, no one can see in. However not many kids know this considering the fact that there are very few "rebellious" kids in this school.

I like to call it having fun, but whatever floats their boat.

Back to the situation

Valery and I make it to the front of his office door, where he can obviously see the situation outside. She took a moment to turn around and give me a glare. I kept a bored expression. This wasn't the first time this happened, probably not gonna be the last.

Then she ever so graciously turns back and walks straight into his office with out knocking, also not the first time this has happened.

Being the great student I am, I decide to take a seat outside and wait to be called in. I like to give her a chance to tell the story first so I can make her look like an idiot, kind I know.

I like to think I'm a nice person. Maybe I should call Neptune before I g-


My inner conversation is interrupted when I hear Mr. Storm or as I like to call him, Ricky, yell me into his office. For the third time, not the first time this has happened.

that's the first chapter... Thank you for reading. xx

- Aajaené

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