forty eight

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Currently, we all sat on the playgrounds surrounding benches. Eating as we watched young kids run around.

After getting Chick-fil-A, Silas directed me to a park near the school, deciding it would be better to sit outside than in the crowded place.

"So Athena, what did you do for you last birthday?"

When Silas asked that question, Neptune didn't even try to hide her laugh.

Oh god.


Neptune laughed harder, having to put her food down before she dropped it.

It is not that funny.

"Why is she laughing so hard?" Javier asked, taking a sip of his Pepsi in the process.

"Because Athena almost got arrested on her last birthday." Bellamy admitted before I had a chance to speak.

"Wait what?" Silas spit out his drink to the side, earning some side looks from parents.

"Your serious?" Javier asked, amusedly.

I rolled my eyes and took a quick sip of my Coke, "It's not as funny as Neptune's making it. She's being dramatic."

She stuck out her tongue at me.

I returned the gesture.

"Story time! Story time! Story time!" Silas chanted gaining more side looks.

Can they stay out of our business? Nobody asked you to listen Susan.

Cutting Silas off, I sighed. "Fine. Who am I to deny Silas of a story time."

He clapped in excitement before paying close attention.

"Last year on my birthday I went to a party."

1 year ago, Athenas 16th birthday.
Athenas pov.

I looked at my reflection in the small mirror of the orphanage bathroom, assessing my outfit.

Black ripped jeans with chains hanging from the loops, a cropped black tank top and my trusty docs.

Eh good enough.

Messing with my hair to give it a bit more volume, I tip toed out the bathroom and headed to the front door of the orphanage.

Creeping down the narrow staircase, I made sure to step on the wooden floor boards that wouldn't creek under my weight. Successfully making it to the door, I carefully turned the knob and stepped out, waiting until I made it to the main road to let out a "Yes!"

Continuing my walk down the street, I sighed at the fact that I have another 20 minutes to go.


Walking up the long drive way, I took a breath before entering the over crowded mansion of Nicholas Reynolds.

His party's never fail to impress.

The smell of alcohol, sweat, and weed hit my nostrils like a slap in the face. Scrunching my nose at the mix, I made my way through the crowded floor to the kitchen.

Greetings and 'Happy Birthdays' came from all directions, in return I just nodded my head.

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