forty seven

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Athenas birthday outfit on the top right :)


I woke up to Hades nudging my hand with his cold nose.

Where ever I am, it's way more comfortable than the bay window.

Opening my eyes, I found myself in my room.

Giovanni must've brought me in here last night cause I don't remember leaving the library.

Pushing Hades nose away lightly, I felt around the bed for my phone. Feeling it under my pillow, I brought it in front of my face, turning it on.

Monday, April 27

power rangers¡
74 messages.

6 messages

pretty boy
2 messages

1 message

silas santi✌︎
4 messages

Oh shit, I'm 17.

Technically your not 17 until 11:34.

Is there any way to fire you for a day?

Nope your stuck with me.


Hades jumped on my bed and licked my face before running out of the open door and down the stairs, barking when he made it to the bottom.

I guess I'm supposed to follow him?

Pulling the warm duvet off me, I slowly sat up, pulling fuzzy socks on my feet before making my way downstairs.

Hades was waiting for me at the bottom of the steps and when I got down there he lead me to the kitchen.

Sometimes I forget how smart my dog is.

Pushing open the wooden doors, I see all four of my brothers in the kitchen. The twins sat at island, Gio was glaring at the table top and Elias was reading a book.

I could never have the dedication he has to read all these books everyday, even if I am a reader.

Go off Eli.

I looked across the kitchen where Adriano and Demitri were, Demi was on the phone leaning on the counter and Adriano was cooking.

Hades went up to him and nudged his leg, Adri looked down and smiled, grabbing a piece of bacon and holding it till Hades gently took it from his hand, walking away as he chewed.


Seeing as none of them noticed my presence, I casually walked past them to the coffee maker. Grabbing a cup from the cabinet, I held it in my hands as I turned around to face them, leaning on the counter. I was met with four pairs of hazel eyes staring straight at me.

"Good Morning."

I didn't get a response. Instead, I was brought into Adriano's chest as he hugged me tightly.

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