fifty seven

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Dante Ferrari walked up the driveway to his eldest brothers house, behind him -struggling to match his pace- was his other brother, Alessio, and his half-awake twins.

Reaching the front door, the two brothers didn't wait for an answer to their knocking. Instead, Alessio quickly opened the door with his spare key and they let themselves in.

Dante rushed to the home office where his brother and nephews were currently loosing their minds and Alessio led a sleepy Atlas and Ainsley to one of many guest rooms, luring them back to sleep before making his way to the same place.

"So you're telling me that my niece was kidnapped by her crazy ex who's backed up by the fucking Bratva?!" Dante yelled as he slammed the door open, startling the twins.

"What the fuck is a Bratva?" Giovanni whispered.

"The Russian mafia." Eli answered, listening carefully to his father and uncles conversation.

"You know where she is Nicky.. right? Please tell me you know where my niece is?"

Nicolo massaged his temples and brought his tired eyes to Alessio, who had just entered the room.

"Mav looked into it, he followed the car that they were taken in on street cams but eventually lost them on the free way. We only have two leads, one, they're not in New York, and two, the license plate was from Maryland."

A heavy, suffocating silence hung in the air.

The Ferrari men weren't sure what to do next and their minds were too scrambled to start thinking logically.

Taking a deep breath, Nicolo ran his eyes across the room for what felt like the thousandth time. He needed to do something, he needed to find his daughter.

"We can start narrowing down locations in Maryland, buildings, towns, even places that seem as if there wouldn't be hostages held there, I'll call Joaquin later today and ask for his help with searching. As for the rest of the family, we'll hold off calling them to America. At least not until we know exactly where they are and what we're getting ourselves into." He spoke, rubbing the stubble on his chin in thought.

The men nodded in agreement.

As much as they all hated it, that's all they could do.

Giovanni and Elias had muttered quiet 'good night's' before exiting the room meanwhile Demitri and Adriano had just walked out, leaving the previous generation of Ferrari brothers in the office.

After sharing a glance, Alessio and Dante had walked up to their eldest brother, resting their hand on his shoulders.

The three stayed silent, a quiet message of understanding flowing through the three of them.

'We're here and we're going to find them. No matter what it takes.'


Stirring awake, I felt someone poking my arm repeatedly.

Not ready to officially wake up, I moved my arm and dug deeper into my covers.

Please don't let this be who I think it is.

"Javierrrr! Amorrr! Javier Amorrr! JJ! Javvv! Amethyst Amor's son! Joaquin Amor's son! Heir to the Mexican Cartel! JAVIE-" I lifted my hand and placed it over his mouth, effectively shutting him up.

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