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I get up from the comfortable chair in the lounge area and walk into Ricky's office. Only to be greeted by a gawking Valery and five strangers. I take a quick look over to the left side of the office and silently analyze the men.

The way the office is set up, Ricky's desk is in the center pushed more toward the window/ right side of the room. Two chairs sit right in front of the desk and to the far left of the large office is two couches.

My eyes linger for mere seconds on each male before I turn and take a seat at one of the chairs in front of the desk. From left to right each man gets younger, the oldest most likely being the father and the other four his sons.

Huh. They kinda look like me.

I'm taken out of my state of overthinking when Valery finally snapped out of it and turns away from the randoms, beginning to rant to Mr. Storm.

We're really doing this in front of guest? Go off sis.


I watch as Ricky rubbed a hand over his face in irritation. Then I looked over at the randoms to see them all slightly wince at the sound that is Valery's voice. Turning my head back towards Ricky, I sit silently and listen to the utter bullshit Valery is screeching.

You would think by doing this so many times she would know he's not an idiot.

After her explanation of what I supposedly "did wrong" and she did right. Ricky takes it as his time to share his words of wisdom.


"Yes, Mr. Storm" her face proud and gleaming as if a way of saying 'I've won.'

"Do you see me as an idiot" her face dropped. I, on the other hand, took this as a time to slightly smile in a cocky manner.

"B-but Mr.Storm I'm telling the truth" Ricky ignores the lies she stutters to him and turns to me.

"What really happened Thena"  Valery's surprisingly smart enough to know that Mr. Storm and I are basically besties. So, she stopped mid sentence and glared at me, her silent way of telling me 'I will ruin you'.

Unfortunately for her, I didn't care.

"You see Ricky, Valery took it as her job to slam two freshman into the lockers for walking 'to slow' in front of her- idiotic I know- then continued to slap both of them, multiple times may I add. As well as saying some very colorful language towards the both of them. Seeing as the girls had the lower hand of the situation, I decided to interrupt and knock the 'queen' down a few pedestals." I explained. Listen I know the whole saying snitches get stitches but this girl has had it out for me since the seventh grade, and I don't even know why.

"You know I got to hear you say it Athena. What did you do?" Ricky asked. I could basically feel the randoms curiosity of what I truly did from here.

I turned and looked Valery in the eye and answered a cheeky smile taking place on my face. "I punched her in the face."

That set her off.

As she quickly attempted to lunge at me from her seat, I was already out of mine standing to the side and watching her fall on her ass.

I heard a couple of the randoms quietly snicker as she fell only adding to her embarrassment. Ricky sat at his desk unamused, probably preparing himself mentally for the fight he's going to have to interrupt.

Valery collected herself quickly and got up the floor, glaring at me as if it was my fault.

Girl I never forced you to lunge out the chair.

My face stayed in it's blank state as she attempted to slap me. For what reason, I don't know. Before her hand came in contact with my face a grabbed her hand and twisted it behind her back. A skill I've learned from Bellamy years ago. God I missed my best friends.

My thoughts once again were interrupted by Ricky. "Athena let her go, as for you Valery get out. Your suspended for two weeks." By the sound of his tone I could tell he had no time for this but I kept her arm behind her back. The bitch tried to slap me. After years of holding myself back I should finally break one of her bones.

Val continued to struggle under my hold as she responded to Mr.Storm. "But Mr.St-"

"Nope I don't want to hear it, your father will be receiving a call very soon, and at the end of the school day your punishment will be effective immediately. Athena I understand she went to hit you first but you need to let her go." Ricky kept his authoritative tone but was now standing, the randoms either gave looks of shock or amusement. My face still blank, I kept my hold on Val.

Should I break her arm? Or should I not? I should flip a coin.

"No Athena you can't break her arm." A tired sigh escaped from Rickys lips as he proceeded to step closer to Val and I.

"Did I say that out loud?"

"Yes Athena, now I'm gonna ask you one more time to let her go." Finally making up my mind I decided to push her away from me instead. I don't need any charges by her dAdDy. But Val being Val she did not let it end there.

"You psycho bitch, no wonder why Neptune and Bellamy left the school. TO GET AWAY FROM YOUR CRAZY ASS."

Now that actually got an emotion out of me. Anger

Holding myself back from rearranging her face, I decided to scare her with my words instead. "Now listen I'm not gonna break your arm cause I don't need any charges on my ass, but if you have the damn nerve to speak about me like that again you won't be leaving with a black eye only. So I suggest you get the fuck out before I throw you through the damn glass that surrounds this office." I sneered as she gulped in fear.

Good. She should be scared she got me mad.

By this point she had no smart remark to say, quite frankly I don't think she had anything to say. She just ran out the office like the damn road runner.

Taking this as my cue, I sit back down and look around the room. The eldest of the randoms had clear amusement upon his face while the others had shock? I payed them no mind as I whipped my head back to Ricky who had took a whole minute of silence before bursting out laughing.

"Hardy har har Ricky. Now can you please inform me on who the randoms are and why do they look like me?" Ricky stops laughing before looking behind me at the oldest of the men, who gave him a slight nod. He then turned back to me with a smile and said "Athena these 'randoms' happen to be your father and four older brothers."

I turned back to the men, looked them all over once again, and said the only thing that came to mind.

"What the fuck?"

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