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~Running down the flower covered hill, the four friends listened to music from Neptune's phone.

Stopping randomly Athena dropped and laid in the grass staring at the clouds with a smile.

The rest followed her lead, "Whats got you all happy Goth Girl?" Athenas smile dropped.

"I told you to stop calling me that dumbass!" She punched Killian's arm.

"It's not like he's wrong Thena, you give off that 'I'm emo, get the fuck away from me' vibe" Neptune added ignoring her friends glare.

"We still love you though!!" Killian yelled.

Fourteen year old Athena dropped her glare.

Her one weakness will always be her friends. They were basically her family.

For the rest of the day, the group sat in the field. Randomly dancing, speaking about anything, comfortable silences, and goofing around made up the rest of their day.

Watching the sun go down, Killian leaned on Bellamy, Athena leaned on Killian, and Neptune leaned on her.

"Hey guys?" Neptune spoke.


"We'll be friends forever right?" The other three looked at each other before turning there gaze back to her.

"Of course Blue! You can't get rid of us that easily." Killian replied.

Neptune smiled but still looked unconvinced.

Athena sat up and grabbed her hands, "Neptune were not leaving, not now not ever."

"You know why?" Bellamy started.


"Because it's us against the world, forever."~

Athena woke up with a smile on her face, the good times. She thought.

Looking around she saw her brothers, dad, and Gianni spread across the couches while her and the best friends were in a pile of blankets on the floor.

We must've fell asleep.

Obviously dumb ass.

Come on inner voice I just woke up.

Gently pulling herself out of Neptune's cuddling grip, she stood and walked to the kitchen for some water.


When I was drinking my glass of water, Hades walked into the kitchen.

Putting my glass on the counter, I sit down on the floor and pat him over. Scratching behind his ears,

"Hello my devil dog" he laid down and laid his head on my lap enjoying my ear scratches. This is literally my child, if anyone tried to take him I would stab them. I'm not kidding.

Once he got up, I put food in his bowl and started making breakfast for my family,

Funfetti pancakes, my specialty.

Killian's favorite.

An hour later, I had 5 super tall stacks of pancakes, trust me with those animals. I might have to make more.

They literally inhale food.

Just as I finished putting plates around the island, the biologicals, Gianni and Neptune groggily walked in.

"Thena what are you doing? I could've sworn I smelled your famous funfetti pancakes-" what ever Neptune was about to say stopped when her eyes found the pancake stacks.

Waking up in milliseconds she turned and yelled to Bellamy, "WAKE UP BITCH! ATHENA MADE HER SPECIAL PANCAKES!"

We all herd a grunt then rushed footsteps, "You better not be lying or i'll-" Bellamy stopped too.

Eying the pancakes he turned to me and- fast as hell I may add- rushed over to give me a hug. "Thank you." He quickly left the hug and rushed to go get some pancakes with Neptune and Gianni.

Bellamy loves when I make pancakes.

I then realized that the Biologicals were standing there looking at me. "Are you okay?"

"What's the pancakes for?" Demi asked curiously.

"Partially because I haven't made them in years, mostly as a thank you.." I was playing with my fingers. Why am I nervous?

"Thank us?" Giovanni asked.

"Well, thank you for taking me in and stuff. I know I'm not the most 'good girl' daughter or sister and I may be a pain the ass but I really do appreciate you guys." I avoided eye contact, a nervous habit I have.

Unexpectedly I was pulled into a hug by Giovanni, the rest of them joined too.

"You never have to thank us Bambina, we never stopped looking for you. We love you so much and we always will." I stayed in all their arms for a moment savoring this feeling of comfort.

Until, "AWEE you guys turned our ice queen soft" typical Neptune, always ruining a moment. I sighed and broke out of the mystery gangs arms.

"Shut up." I walked over and sat down at the island grabbing three pancakes.

The mystery gang- as I said they would- inhaled them. Occasionally complementing me while eating.


It was a couple hours later, Dad got called into work and brought Demi and Gianni with him, Adriano went food shopping, Elias went to hide in his room, and Giovanni was out with his friends.

Neptune, Bellamy, and I sat in my room with Hades, watching Netflix.

"Hey Athena?" I turned my head to Bellamy.


"Your comfortable with them right?" He asked bluntly. He was never one to beat around the bush.

"Yeah Bellamy, I am." A smile came to my face as I thought of them.

My biological family. Damn, I never thought I'd make it here.

"Good, they love you." Neptune chipped in.

"And if they didn't I'd live up to my threat and drop kick them." Classic Neptune.

"Now shut up you two, Mamas watching tv." She turned her attention back to the Tv.

"Yes mother!" Bell and I replied simultaneously.

She gave us a warning look.

Laughing lightly, Bellamy and I brought our attention back to the movie playing.

It was safe to say we watched Netflix all day.

Thank you for reading !

See you next chapter

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