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It was early Saturday morning,

Precisely five days since Athena had her, as she would word it, moment of venerability.

Surprisingly to her and Nicolo, she hasn't built up her walls again.

Both thought she would've but when Athena finally let Nicolo go and offered getting ice cream, that assumption was out the window.

On the other hand, it had also been five days since Athena started school,

let's just say they were unique.

By Wednesday she had gotten tired of the rumors. So, Athena gave the people what they wanted, something to talk about.

Did Athena punch a few cheerleaders in the face on purpose, yes she did.

She always hated bullies. And when she saw a group cheerleaders beating up a sophomore with the only people around taking a video, she was quick to stop them. With the help of Neptune.

Did Nicolo scold her for it, yes. But in the end he gave his daughter a high five for standing up for the girl, even if it ended violently.

The trio had seemed like they had never been apart, going over each other's houses, their occasional adventures, and let's not mention "rebel" behavior. By the end of the week everyone knew the three were inseparable.

The Ferrari men really liked Athena's friends, even if the brothers didn't like Bellamy at first. But their opinions changed once they all went to the mall and Bellamy knocked a guy out for looking at Athena wrong.

The brothers saw how he looked at her like a sister and that made him okay instantly their book.

Back to current time,

Athena laid awake in her at 4 am, in the middle of a normal insomnia episode.

Tired of sitting there, Athena got up and walked to the houses huge ass library, if she couldn't sleep she might as well read.

Temporarily distracting her from her thoughts.


Reading didn't work as much as I wanted it too, instead of the reading distracting me I got distracted from reading.

It had been a week since hearing about the "wanted list" and I had a hunch that I'm off it.

No one had came after me again, but I did notice how I had 3 more guards than usual. They were better trained then the last ones, how I know?

It took me two days to spot them out, the first time it took me hours.

Even if I was off that list it doesn't make my apprehension on the situation any better.

Someone still wants me dead, even if my father did get them off my ass momentarily.

It isn't the first time someone wanted me dead, back in my "hometown" Bellamy, Neptune and I-as cliche as it sounds- were known in the streets. All for different reasons,

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