fifty four

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** a reminder!!
My wattpad is still glitchy and I cant view the chaps as a reader before publishing (😠) Anyways, I'm sorry for any weird spacings, misspellings, etc etc.
I hope you all still enjoy chapter 54!! 💕


Ivan, our family driver, pulled the car around to the front of our mansion.

Let me correct myself, our palace.

Giving him a simple head nod in thanks, I opened the door and exited the car, greeted by the light wind and fifty degree weather.

I shivered. It was warmer in New York.

Walking up the stone steps, I didn't even have to knock on the door before it was opened for me, two maids emerged from behind it.

While one walked past me and down to the car, the other gestured for me to follow her and turned around, navigating her way through the grand rooms and halls.

I glanced around the house as we walked, mentally preparing myself as we neared the door of my fathers home office.


This place was never my home. It was simply an elegant roof over my head.

I zoned back in when the maid stopped walking. In front of her were the two familiar gold rimmed doors that I haven't been through in two weeks.

Two weeks too short.

I could hear muffled voices and laughter from inside the room.

Great.  They're all fucking here.

Departing with a short head nod, the maid turned on her heel and walked down the hall. Leaving me alone in front of the door.

Taking a sharp breath, I finally grabbed the knob and turned it, pushing the door forward as I walked in.

Here we go.


I hesitantly walked to the front door, pulling my house key from Bell's hoodie pocket.

Quietly opening the door, I stepped through and gently shut it behind me. Leaning my head back on the door, I took a breath before walking into the living room.

I was met with Dad, Adriano, and Eli, the rest were no where to be seen.

They hadn't noticed I was there yet, that left me time to think.

So how do I approach this situation...

Do I just go 'hey' orrr-

I had no time to dwell on it since Hades came soaring down the steps and running straight to me, gaining the three's attention.

At least now I don't have to say hi.

Keeping my gaze down on Hades, I kneeled down to his level and scratched behind his ear. His eyes shut in content before he opened them and licked my cheek.

I smiled, he made me feel better.

"I love you too H." I whispered before standing up, gaining the confidence to look up at them.

Dad looked at me with raised eyebrows meanwhile Eli looked amused by my little moment with Hades.
Adriano on the other hand, jumped over the couch and pulled my into a hug.

I felt him exhale as he tightened his hold on me.

I would hug him back but my arms are binded to my sides.

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