fifty three

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** a little psa!!
soo ig my wattpad is glitching and Im currently unable to view this chap from a readers POV😔. I apologize beforehand for any weird spacing, typos, etc etc. I hope you still enjoy chapter 53 either way


I was in the middle of writing an English paper when my phone rang.

I hate phone calls.

But at least this gives me a break.

Reaching over my bed, I grabbed my phone which has Athenas contact picture lighting up the screen.
I swiped to answer the call and put the phone to my ear.

"Hello?" I closed my laptop and leaned my back on my headboard.

Eh. I didn't want to do that shit anyway.

"Bell, I think I fucked up."

Question mark? "Come again?"

"So I stabbed someone in the chest in front of the biological's because he tried to kill my dad and then he got me angry and now he's currently bleeding out to his death. Yeah, I know what your thinking: great job Athena you go and kill someone in front of your family that you've only been living with for like two-three months" I wasn't thinking that... but okay. "Anyways I'm not there to see the guy bleed out because I walked out the room and now I'm trying to find someone to drive me to your house because he spilled a lot information and now this situation involves you and Nep- Shit! I forgot to ask... are you home? Neptune didn't answer when I called she's probably sleeping or something.. Does Angela mind if I come over?" She rambled so fast I could barely make out anything she said till the end.

I blinked once.

Then twice. I feel like my brain just malfunctioned.

"Yeah you can come over. Better yet, explain everything when you get here." Still processing her rant, I brought my hand up to my forehead.

"Okay. I'll be there in 35." Then she hung up.

Pulling the phone away from my ear, I sighed.

Something bad is happening soon.. I just feel it.


"Are you sure this one is his house?" Seth asked.

"Positive." I stepped out of Angels car and he immediately pulled off, as the guards went to park the car around the corner I walked up Bellamy's front steps.

I didn't even have to knock before he opened the door and quickly pulled me in the house, closing the door behind him.

"Jeez Athena your standing outside my house with light blood stains on your face, forearms, and clothes." He sighed and mumbled an incoherent string of swears before leading me upstairs to the guest bathroom.

Nudging me in the room, he turned on his heel and walked away. Returning a minute later with a towel, wash cloth, and a change of clothes.

"Shower then we'll talk." He stated before making his way out, closing the door behind him.

Okay then.

I looked at myself in the mirror, scrunching nose at the sight of dried blood on my face.

Stripping off my clothes, I stepped into the shower and turned the water to the hottest temperature.

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