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After the introductions, I say good bye to Ricky and grab my things before being led out by my father and brothers to a sleek black Range Rover sitting in the parking lot.

Just by looking around anyone can clearly see that this car is out of place here.

Damn they're probably rich rich.

My brothers let me get in the passenger seat, while they all file into the back and my father drives. I noticed that they all seem to be processing meeting me, or should I say meeting me again? I mean they do remember me as a toddler. Honestly I don't know.

But their behavior is not the only thing noticed.

While leaving school I'd seen eight men in suits lurking behind us in what they thought was out of sight. But my biologicals didn't seem bothered. There's also two other Range Rovers trailing the one we were currently in with the same symbol my father had in the front of his car.

Bodyguards, I concluded. Internally high-fiving myself, but that also brings the question,

'Why do my biologicals need bodyguards?'

I decided against saying anything and pitched into a conversation with Adriano, basically talking about my hobbies, favorites, and etc. I have yet to have a conversation with the remaining brothers but by just analyzing I can tell that Demitri is the most authoritative, and an analyzer like myself, possibly falling into dads foot steps? To what exactly I'm not sure yet.

Adriano. He's the mama bear, I can just tell by the energy he radiates.

Elias. I've labeled him the quiet brother, by the strain of his voice while introducing himself I could tell he's not one to talk much, but he does seem slightly intimidating, not to me of course.

And lastly Giovanni, by the tone in his voice and his body language I can tell he's what most people would call mean. During our exchange he didn't direct any of his "mean" energy towards me. Nah, definitely not. Although, he did give off that "get the fuck away from me" vibe, but it's whatever I'm not bothered by it.

Pulling up to the orphanage we all exit and I tell my brothers to wait by the car for a second. I could tell they were confused by my sudden demand but that went away once I let out a low whistle and Hades came running from around the corner.

He ran up in front of me and immediately went into defense mode around the new people. I'm not gonna lie I did see fear quickly flash through there eyes but I decided not to comment on it.

"Hades heal", he immediately stopped growling and came to my side, sitting next to my feet keeping his eyes on the people he saw as strangers.

Glancing at my biologicals I ask,

"Can one of you walk up to me, not too fast though"

Demitri is the first to walk up to me, "thank you, now it might seem extra but can you hold your hand out so he knows you mean no harm." Demi listens to the instructions and slowly puts his hand in front of him. Hades cautiously walks up and sniffs his hand, then looks back to me for confirmation.

"No harm." Hades licked his hand before coming back to my side once again and Demi went to my other.

"It may sound silly but you all have to repeat what Demitri just did, that's the only way Hades will know none of you are a threat to me" I tell the rest nonchalantly. Hades is well trained, I should know I trained him.

I just have to let Hades be aware of people around me or he'll go all defensive mode. I must say that method of training him did work greatly when I needed him to help me fight off people, this dog can be ruthless.

Repeating the process with the others Hades was now comfortable with them. As we all head inside Hades waits by the front gate, kinda like a guard dog.

Walking into the orphanage, I'm immediately pulled into a crying Mama Goose better known as Ms. Peters. She lets me go and wipes stray tears As she guides Nicolo, Demitri, and Adriano to her office to finalize the paperwork regarding my adoption. The twins follow me to my "room" to help me pack.

I really didn't need it though all my stuff was already packed in three duffel bags, ready for anytime I may have needed to escape from here. Neptune, Bell and I were always prepared. The twins had grabbed one each, leaving one for me.

Walking from the upstairs I see my father and two eldest brothers waiting by the front door while the other children glance curiously. I hand one of the twins my other bag as I quickly bid farewell to Ms.Peter's and the other orphans before catching up to my now official family.

Seeing as Hades was still guarding the fence I knew he was never leaving me. I offered to sit in the back so he could sit on my lap but my brothers refused and didn't seem to mind my animal companion sleeping on their laps through out the car ride.

Only now did I realize that I had no clue where we we're going so I turned towards Nicolo, "where are we going?"

He looks at me out of the corner of his eye and continues to drive with a small smile gracing his lips. "To New York, back to your first home."

thank you for reading xx.

I just wanted to clear up that the reason Athena calls her dad both Dad and Nicolo internally is because she's not sure what to call him yet.
Nobody probably cares but w.e.

See you next chapter!

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