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I opened my eyes to see an unfamiliar room. I jumped up from the comfortable mattress looking for my duffle bags.

Grabbing them, I opened a window ready to jump out. Until, I remembered what happened yesterday.

Damn by now I guess fleeing is a reflex.
How the hell did I forget?

Making my way back to the comfortable mattress I grab my phone and check the time.

12:32 pm

How did I manage to sleep so much? Especially with my insomnia.

Whatever at least I got sleep.

Jumping at the sound of Neptune's ringtone, I look back at my phone screen and answer the FaceTime call.

N- Good morning Athena, you look like shit.


A- Thank you so much Nep I didn't notice.

N- I bet you didn't, you look like you just woke up.

Pause- Where are you? That is most definitely not the orphanage.

A- How did you even know that all you can see are the bedsheets.

N- Call it a mother's intuition, now where are you?

A- Krypton?

Then she stared at me.

A- Fine okay. Just don't freak out but I might have gottenadoptedbymybiologicalfamily.

I got up to get changed just so I had a reason to look away from the screen.

Her stare is way too intense.

N- AND YOU WERENT GOING TO TELL ME! wait does Bell know, Athena I will punch you if he knew before me I swear t-

A- God, slow down Neptune I'll fill you in after I get dressed and no Bellamy doesn't know yet I'll text him later. Bellamy hates phone calls in general.

I pulled on my clothes and brushed out my hair, leaving it wavy. Making sure to cover the tattoo onthe back of my neck.

Athenas Outfit.

Neptune liked to say I dressed aesthetically, I don't see it

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Neptune liked to say I dressed aesthetically, I don't see it.

Grabbing the phone again I started to fill in Neptune for the next 15 minutes. Which was extremely painful, especially when she would not stop interrupting.

N- Wait let me get this straight. So your telling me that in the last 24 hours. You got adopted by your father and four brothers, rode in a private jet, bonded with them slightly, and overall went from rags to riches like the Rod Wave song?

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