thirty six

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Looking over at the door, the Consigliere and Capos eyes fell on the group. Quickly taking notice of the new addition.

Unlike others, These men weren't stupid.

They saw the similarities of the 16 year old girl and her family. They were aware that this was the mafia princess.

The group took a seat at the remaining chairs and Nicolo's demeanor fell into what Athena would call

'Boss mode'


I sat down at the head of the table and looked over my men,

Demitri sat to my left and my Consigliere, Stephen, sat to my right.

Athena sat in between Dante and a Capo looking unbothered, twirling a pen from the table in her hand.


"The point of calling this meeting was to discuss the details of Gianni getting shot." Nicolo started.

"There's no hit on him yet he was shot at from a building across from his apartment." Demitri added.

The table was silent, confused mostly.

"Boss? If Gianni was sniped at then why isn't he dead?" One of the Capos asked.

Gianni was about to explain but Athena cut him off, "Because the shooter didn't want him dead."

All the men looked at her expecting an elaboration.

'Fun. It's just like a school presentation.' she thought.

She sat up straighter in her seat and pointed the pen in her hand at Gianni, "The place where Gianni was shot at on his shoulder was a very specific non vital area. Most hit men don't even know that area isn't hitting anything important and the chance of shooting that as a 'sloppy shot' is close to none. Meaning a) the shot was intentional, and b) who ever the shooter is has amazing aim, most likely highly trained."

She leaned back in her seat and closed her eyes. But before she did, Athena quickly scanned the men's faces.

Her family's held proudness and the members held astonishment.

The Consigliere looked at his Boss, "Capo, credi davvero alle affermazioni della principessa? Sembra che non possa nemmeno ferire una mosca, come poteva saperlo?" (Boss, do you really believe the princess's claims? She looks like she can't even hurt a fly, how could she know that?")

The Ferrari men's fist clenched at this, by the tone in his voice when he said 'princess' one could tell he was being sexist.

Athena herself was angry but kept it at bay, 'I forgot one thing about mafia men, majority of them are sexist.' she thought.

Athena- just to be dramatic- kicked her feet up on the table, crossing her Docs over each other. Tilting her head she made sure to look Stephen straight in the eye,

"Attento a quello che dici Consigliere, questa 'principessa' ha un pugnale nello stivale e sa come usarlo." (Be careful with what you say Consigliere, this 'princess' has a dagger in her boot and knows how to use it.)

Her tone was flat and her face was emotionless, somewhat like a robot. Athena looked at Stephen with a slightly raised eyebrow, almost as if she was challenging him.

"Let's just say Stephen," 'thank you so much for telling me his name prior to this Dante.' "that for personal reasons, I have a little knack for weapons. Part of my learning process was also learning the human body." Taking her legs down from the table, Athena began casually twirling the pen again.

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