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While the Ferrari men were talking in the office, Athena had 'woken up' from her 'nap'.

Quietly getting up from her bed, she made her way to her bedroom door.

Opening it and looking around, she made sure the hallway was clear before closing it and grabbing her phone and air pods to call Bellamy.


I needed to know what this "wanted list" is and why the hell it had mafia member after me.

Stepping into my bathroom and plugging air pods in my ears- so no one can hear him talking- I call Bellamy.

Years before he met me and Neptune in the orphanage, Bellamy was close with some low ranking gang members. Those low life mother fuckers brought him into street fighting and left him when shit went south for them.

Luckily, Bellamy was a good fighter.

A good fighter who gained the attention of people in high places. High ranking gangs, even some mafias. At the age of 12 he was well respected, earning thousands a week.

Nobody never expects to get adopted, nor did Bellamy want to. So he saved up the money in a fake bank account. Same as Neptune and I did years later.

Back to the point, Bellamy most likely knows what the "wanted list" is.

Hearing the call pick up, I brought my attention back to my phone.

B- Are you in trouble? Straight to the point I see.

A- Possibly.

B- Define possibly. Damn what has his boxers in a twist? Ohhh I probably woke him up..

A- You know how you have some contacts in 'high places'.

B- Athena what the fuck did you do. Yup definitely woke him up.

A- Damn Bell calm your tits. I'm 98% sure I didn't do something.

B- Fine, how 'high' are we talking about.

A- Like Mafia high..

B- Athena.

A- Yeah?

B- Explain before I loose my shit.

A- So according to my brothers I'm on the "Wanted List" and I was being followed by a Russian earlier today. Mind sharing your knowledge?

B- Athena the "wanted list" is basically a hitlist that reaches everyone in the illegal world. A person gets put on there for a great deal of money when someone needs them taken out and doesn't want to do it themselves.

A- So my brothers knowing this means there in the illegal world.

B- either that or they have some connections to it.

A- I KNEW IT. I may have done a happy dance after that.

Your on a hitlist and your dancing. Dumbass.

My impossible theory might be correct shut up.

People are trying to kill yo-



B- Are you okay?

A- Why are you asking me that.

B- Oh I don't know, maybe because YOUR ON A FUCKING HITLIST. How'd you even find that out I'm sure your brothers didn't tell you.

A- How are you sure about that.

B- Because I'm basically your brother too and I would attempt to sort shit out before telling you.

A- Fine, Understood. I may have with held the fact that I'm multilingual from the Biologicals. I'm trying to figure something out.

B- God Athena only you would experience some crazy shit like this. You need to be careful.

A- I know right!

Sorry to cut this short Bellamy but I have to go do something. Thanks for the info and spread the word to Neptune for me.

B- You better be careful Athena I mean it.

A- Yeah yeah you got it dude, Call you later Love you!

B- Love you too. I hung up the phone and walked out if the bathroom.

Walking out of my room into the hallway, I heard voices coming from the third floor. Deciding against ease dropping I make my way to the kitchen,

Piecing this all together sure gives me an appetite.

I walk into the kitchen, make a snack for myself and head to the backyard, bringing Hades with me.

A Mafia hit list, huh. That's new.


Meanwhile, As Athena made her way to the backyard, the Ferrari men were joined by an unexpected guest. Gianni Lombardi.

Bringing the family information about their princess, it was certainly a interesting conversation.

"Are you saying I don't know my own daughter Gianni?"

"Absolutely not, Nicolo. All I'm saying is she has a different side you don't know about. A possibly deadly side." Gianni was quick to answer the capo.

He may be trained, but Nicolo is able to beat his ass any day.

"What about her criminal record Dad." Demitri piped in. Of course he ran a background check on her.

Don't get me wrong Demitri loved his Sorella dearly but he needed to know who he was dealing with.

They hadn't seen the girl in 14 years. A lot can change in that time period.

"What criminal record?"
"A what now?"
"Your telling me she could probably beat my ass?" The three younger brothers were left clueless in this situation.

Nicolo payed no mind to there questions. They quickly got the point that this was not a conversation to butt in on.

"Of course I knew about the criminal record Demitri do you see me as an idiot."

"No dad absolutely not, I'm just confused on why you never spoke to her about it. Illegal fighting, damaging private property, trespassing, and that's only what they had down who knows what else she could've done."

"Listen I know it sounds bad and I probably should've brought it up. But, do you know how hypocritical it would sound to be scolding my daughter on her rebellious behavior when we run a damn Mafia."

Nicolo took a swig of his whiskey,

"Besides that's why we set those rules, Demitri. She was put into the orphanage age nine and basically raised herself until now, there was no structure in her 'home'. Her behavior hasn't been reckless yet, if she gets in trouble we'll speak on it but if her behavior is better under our care I see no reason to dig up on her past." She already avoids the topic with them, why make it worse?

Nicolo stood up, motioning for the rest to do the same.

"For now we'll add more personal guards to Athena, all highly trained. And by the end of the day I'll try to negotiate a deal between this 'Anonymous' to get her off the wanted list. Worst comes to worst we'll tell her about the business."

While the brothers tried to interrupt, Nicolo spoke over them.

"In the meantime, I see her and Hades out in the backyard from the window, come on I think it's time she meets Gianni."

Leaving no room for argument Nicolo walked out the room heading to spend time with his daughter, followed by Demitri, Gianni, and three confused brothers.

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