fifty one

26.7K 808 984


It was 12:30 am when Nicolo Ferrari stepped out of the run down looking warehouse.

After a long day consisting of writing and responding to emails, talking to people he's not fond of, and reviewing the profits of their current drug and fire arm shipments, all he wanted to do was go home.

Walking the short distance from the exit to his Range Rover, he picked up on the slight noice of shuffling in the distance.

Slowing his pace a bit, Nicolo continued to walk toward his parked vehicle that sat among the many others. The closer he got to his car the more the unsettling feeling in his gut began to surge.

'Somethings not right about this.' He thought to himself.

Stopping in his tracks, Nicolo looked into the shadows surrounding him. About 20 feet into the distance, he could faintly make out the silhouette of a person.

Aware that they have been spotted, the watcher turned around and ran farther away, pressing the activating switch in his hand and setting Nicolos car into flames.

Diving out the way just in time Nicolo took cover behind the next car over, slightly feeling the heat of the explosion through his shoes.

"Fuck." The Don stood from his place and started running after the bomber, disregarding his burning car all together.

There was nothing important in there anyway.

Approaching this man fast, Nicolo followed him into the forest surrounding the warehouse.

Kai, a man who Nicolo knew to be one of his best 'soldiers' per-say, had ran into the forest that hid the warehouse. He directed himself in many twist and turns in attempt to loose the approaching Don who was running behind him, and he was running fast.

Pushing himself to run faster, Kai thought he had made it out when he hadn't heard the sound of rushed steps behind him.

He was wrong.

Less than a second later, he was shot in his shoulder, then in his leg. Falling to his knees, Kai peered up at Nicolo who stood in front of him. He didn't even have the chance to get a word out before being knocked out by the butt of a gun to his temple.

Dragging him out the forest by his leg, Nicolo stepped out into the open, greeted by four dozen men. Two of many, came to grab Kai from behind him, looking to Nicolo for further instruction.

"Get him cleaned up then lock him in cell 42."

The men nodded and dragged an unconscious Kai back to the warehouse.

Nicolo secured his gun back in his waist holster and unbuttoned his suit, finding the expensive wool restricting. Silently walking his way back to the warehouse, his consigliere, Stephen, came close behind him.

"Are you okay Capo?"

"No. I'm not.

My daughters psychotic ex boyfriend is after her, she was on the wanted list after a week in my care, my children and I have received a death threat and we have no clue on who could be behind it, Gianni- basically another child of mine- was shot, I'm stressed beyond belief, and overall, I'm starting to feel like a horrible father."

Is what he wanted to say.

Instead, he responded with, "Perfectly fine Stephen."

Brushing off what just happened, Nicolo grabbed keys to a spare vehicle and drove home.

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