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I need a minute to process what Ricky has just said.

Father. Brothers. My blood family. I-

It honestly seemed like hours went by of me just staring the group of 5. I could see that they weren't expecting my choice of language due to the looks on their faces. All of them flabbergasted, except my father?

God, that word is weird to even think. Father, Dad.

I'm going to have to get used to that.

Unfortunately before I can finish my inner rant I'm once again brought out of my thoughts thanks to Ricky.


"Yes Ricky?" I coughed to clear my throat.

"Your phones ringing"

That brought me out of my thoughts quickly. How the hell did I not hear it.

I ignore the stares of my so called brothers and father and bring my phone out of my pocket.

Planet is calling..

I laughed lightly at the nickname I had given my planet named friend and answered the phone.

A- Whats up Planet? I lean back in the seat I'm in.

N- YOU BITCH I TOLD YOU NOT TO CALL ME THAT. She was so loud that the whole room could hear her. She wasn't even on speaker.

A- Love you too Neptune, anyways why are you calling me at 1pm, aren't you in school?

N- Nah me and Bell had a free period so we decided to take a walk. We both miss you A.

A- I know I miss you and Bellamy too but I have a feeling the trio may be reunited soon. I glanced at my Father and brothers, all looked confused. Eh I'll explain later. Moving on, do you wanna say hi to Ricky?

N- Um of course we do! The principal here sucks, Derry is better.

Rickys name is really Derrick but Neptune, Bellamy, and I call him by multiple nick names.

A- Okay I'll put you on speaker.
Say hi

N- HI DERRY WE MISS YOU SO MUCH BITCH THIS NEW PRINCIPLE SUCKS ASS. Then the whole room heard slap sound through the phone. Poor Bellamy. Bellamy say hi you dick, god must I tell you to do everything.

Before Bellamy speaks he makes a hiss like sound.

I know the feeling Neptune's slaps hurt like a bitch.

B- Whats up Derrick-
N- ANYWAYS Athena I called you to remind you that we miss you, we love you, and be the bad bitch you are. PERIOD! Sadly we gotta go cause Mrs. Grumpy Ass is approaching, call you later A.


Ricky and I laugh a bit after the phone hangs up, then he left the room so I could talk to the unexpected visitors. I slide my phone back in my pocket before looking back at my family? I'm not sure if I can even call them that but I decided to break the awkward silence the best way I know how.

"Sup?" Yeah I'm definitely not a social person nor someone who can start a conversation.

They continue to stare for a minute until one of them breaks out of the trance. By the looks of it he may be the second oldest, but that's just a guess. "It's great to see you Sorella, we've all missed you dearly and I hope your okay with us adopting you."

That took me back for a second because 1) I'm getting adopted? And 2) THEY'RE ADOPTING ME?! I snap out of it and respond back to what ever his name is,

"Have you speaked with the orphanage owner?" Or as I like to call her internally, Mama Goose.

"Yes bambina" this time it was my father speaking, hearing his voice gave me a feeling, loved? cared for? I wouldn't know the last time I felt like that was with my mother, it's been too long.

Realizing I've once again gone quiet. Why is everything so repetitive today? I regain my attention toward my biological family and ask them one question.

"Then if it's okay with her it's fine with me. Quick question, how do you feel about dogs?"


Seeing my baby after all these years has brung back plenty emotions that I've buried deep down, and I can tell it's the same with the boys.

Adriano is the only one who's spoken to her other than me.

I think they're just as lost in the situation as I am, I mean we certainly did not expect such a rebellious and independent personality to our princess but now I realize,

I wouldn't want her any other way.

Coming back to the question she asked us I replied what we all must of been thinking. "Dog?"

"Oh yeah I have a Doberman at the orphanage, of course the owner doesn't know that she would probably curse me out if she did. Anyways if your willing to take me in could you take in my baby too?"

I look over to the boys to see them all even more confused.

It's kinda funny, I don't think they can process this.

Looking back to my daughter I answered her question, "of course, were all fine with a dog bambina, but before we leave I think we should introduce ourselves. As your already aware of I'm your father, Nicolo Ferrari, and you can call me anything you feel comfortable with."

She gives me a nod and turns toward Demitri, he's still stuck in he's thoughts so I lightly elbow him in the arm to regain his focus.

He clears his throat, "I'm Demitri, your oldest brother and I'm 26." This continues down the line.

"Adriano, the second oldest and I'm 21" He offers her a smile and her lips slightly curve up at the ends before resting back in place.

"Elias, the older twin and the third brother, I'm 18" he says quietly, I'm honestly surprised he even talked. Athena gave him a nod before looking over at Gio.

"Giovanni, youngest twin and brother, 18." He grunts. I didn't expect any less Gio can give off a mean feeling to others but it's just how he is.

Not at all offended by his tone, she sends him a small nod and she looks over us all once again before introducing herself.

"Hey, I'm Athena, I'm 16, but I'm sure you all already knew that." She says with a small smile.

and this is where their story officially begins.

thank you for reading


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