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We all watched Athenas eyes light up when we mentioned going back to New York.

Why is she so excited to go? I really don't mean that in a mean way. I think we're all just genuinely curious on why she reacted like that. Fortunately, Eli asked her that question before all the rest of us did.

"Have you been to New York before bambina?" We all turned our attention to her in the passenger seat and she cleared her throat before answering.

"No, I haven't been to New York before. But my two best friends, who you all heard on the phone call, were adopted by lovely people who live out there." She smiled at the thought of seeing her friends again.

She's fucking adorable.

After answering Eli's question, She takes out her phone, plugs in some airpods and takes a nap.

Huh. Must be tired I guess


Following their younger sisters lead, the twins fall asleep while petting Hades. The boys had no problem with Hades, they could tell he had been ready to protect her sister from anything which relaxed them all a whole lot.

Don't get me wrong the Ferrari men were all still curious about the girl who was currently sleeping in the passenger seat, they just didn't want to overwhelm her too much by asking loads for of questions.

I mean seriously the only things they've learned about her in mere hours of knowing her was

She's rebellious.
She can protect herself.
She loves Hades like he's her own child.
and she has two best friends, Neptune and Bellamy who happen to live in New York.

Yeah the Ferrari men certainly have a lot of questions indeed.


I woke up maybe an hour later to see that we were at an airport?

Taking notice that I'm the only one in the car a hop out to see people taking my things up to the gorgeous black jet that stood in front of me.

Yup, definitely rich rich. I gotta tell Neptune about this later.

I look around to see my father and brothers not to far from me, all playing with Hades while my father watched looking highly amused.

I walked up toward them and stood near Nicolo while watching my dog have the time of his life with my brothers.

"I have a question" I asked in a whisper, not wanting to alert Hades, I turned to Nico.

"Yes principessa" another thing Ive noticed. They all speak Italian.

"How do you plan to get Hades from here to New York, cause he can't go on a plane. He's too large of a dog."

Nicolo chuckled at his daughter before answering, "if it's okay with you we will have our guards drive him over. Trust me he will be in good hands."

I slightly nod my head in understanding and turn back to the dorks and my dog. Letting out a low whistle I gain Hades attention and he gets up from the ground, coming by my side.

I guide him to the car they'll be using to transport him and I open the door for him to climb in. Before closing the door I get him to lay down I look him in the eye.

"Behave." He barks in understanding and lays his head down. I scratch his head before I close the door.

Turning back to the trees that are my Father and Brothers, honestly their all tall as hell. I let them lead me over to the jet.

Even though I've never road a plane before I wasn't nervous. I grabbed gum out of one of my duffels, and offered it to everyone else as well. They all took a piece even tho they were clearly caught off guard by my actions.

God, does everything I do surprise them?

Slumping back into the comfortable chair I let sleep take over once again.

Eh. We'll talk when I wake up.


The last couple chapters have been kind of boring but it will get more interesting will when they get to  their home in New York!

I just didn't want to make it seem like they bombard her with questions after meeting her again. Their giving her some time to breath first.

- short time skip (minutes, hours)

Thank you for reading, see you next chapter
- Aajaené♡

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