sixty seven

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another javena board because um.. #javenasupremacy


After crying myself to the point of complete and utter exhaustion, I pulled myself up from the bathroom floor and threw on a large sweater and a loose pair of shorts. Then proceeded to fall face first into the large bed with the hope that I'd fall asleep like a baby.

That being said, sleeping lasted for an hour at most. I practically just took a nap.

So now I was here, standing on the small balcony attached to my hotel room and staring at the heart of the city from afar, all while acting like a wasn't freezing my ass off from the cool breeze that blew against my bare skin.

The faint sound of cars cruising below was calming, I felt like I could actually breathe out here.

Clenching my hands lightly, I winced and immediately uncurled my fingers. Glancing down, I studied the dark bruising that spread across my knuckles over last couple hours.

It's getting worse.

Maybe you should ice them, idiot.

You could've spared me that last remark.

Yeah, could've.

I stood straight and adjusted the long sleeves of my sweater before heading back inside. Rubbing my hands together lightly, I made my way to the kitchen and paused when I heard a knock at my door. I froze and checked the time on the microwave— 3:28 AM.

Who the hell is knocking on my door at 3 AM?

Your dad?

Yeah, or maybe a freaking killer.

Says the mafia princess.

Tiptoeing across the floor, I grabbed a kitchen knife and moved over to the door, listening for another knock.

The person knocked thrice.

"Athene? Are you awake?"

Well at least it's not a killer.

I blew out a sigh of relief came before placing the knife down on a side table and moved to open the door, greeted by a pajama clad Javier.

He smiled, "Hey Athe-"

"Jesus Jav, you nearly gave me a heart attack." I cut him off by whisper-shouting, peeking down the hall both ways before yanking him inside and softly shutting the door behind me. Though, the automatic lock seemed to have different plans and turned out to be much louder at this time of night.

Or is it technically morning?

I don't know and really don't care.

Stiffening slightly, I waited a moment and prayed that no one woke up. After a full minute of silence I finally relaxed and turned around.

Facing Javier, I noticed the ends of his hair that hung messily over his eyes and how his shoulders slouched in an completely-unnatural-for-him manner. It's obvious that he's exhausted.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2023 ⏰

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