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I watched through the window as the happy little family spent time together.

Absolutely disgusting.

Nicolo Ferrari. The boss of all bosses. Oh how I would love to put him and the rest of his offsprings 6 feet under.

The Italian princess's return was just the damn cherry on top.

The scheme of killing the Ferrari's was planned by a select group of people. People who obviously wanted them gone,

but now that the princess is back home it makes everything so much more fun yet.. complicated.

It was curveball none of us expected, which unfortunately resulted in having the plan pushed back a couple months. You will be gone soon and I can't wait for the day.

I eyed the Principessa. (Princess) Then her friends,

Maybe I'll take out her little friends too, make her watch just as Maddox said he's done before. I smiled at the thought.

The vibration of the phone in my pocket broke my concentration.

Looking away from the oh so happy family I answer the call.


"где вы? (Where are you?)"

"Just getting a look of the happy little family."

"это не входило в гребаный план. (That was not apart of the fucking plan.)"

"Calm down. Gathering a little more information never hurt no one."

"Будет больно, когда тебя поймают. Продолжайте вести себя как тупица, и я отдам вас им. (It'll hurt when you get caught. Keep the dumbass behavior up and I'll give you to them.)"

"Don't you think that's a little extreme."

"Нет. Тебе нужно узнать свое проклятое место, помнить, что ты не единственный, кто хочет, чтобы Феррари исчез. Мы зашли слишком далеко, чтобы вы испортили наши планы, так что убирайтесь к черту из их дома, пока доберман не учуял вашу задницу.'
(No. You need to learn your damn place, remember your not the only one who wants the Ferrari's gone. We've made it to far for you to be fucking up our plans so get the hell away from their house before the Doberman smells your ass.)

"Fine. I guess I'll leave."

"Не говори со мной так. Помни, ты просто шпион для нас, ты можешь помочь, но мне плевать, жив ты или умрешь. (Don't speak to me like that. Remember your just a spy for us, you may help but I don't give a flying fuck if you live or die.)"

"Understood." He hung up the phone.

Damn Russians. Always have a stick up their ass.

Looking back through the window, I sigh.

Not today.


The hiding man got up from his spot in the trees of the back yard and ran further into the woods to his car.

He was angry that the family hasn't died yet. They don't deserve power. Why did the others even agree to take her off the list? He thought.

Power hungry.
And driven by greed.

All a horrible mix in itself.

The rat wanted power he could never handle.

Could he see that? No.

But it wouldn't be long until he did. Soon they would all see,

It was just a matter of time.


Hey! I wanted to give y'all a little insight of this 'anonymous'.

If you don't remember, this was the person or people.. that put her on the wanted list.

Anyways, thank you for reading

See you next chapter

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