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Walking to the kitchen apprehension was gnawing at my stomach, I think my hands were sweating as well.

In my mind it felt like fucking hours till we reached the kitchen although it took only a matter of minutes,

wait- minutes? damn how big is this house.

Walking in behind Demitri, I look past him to see my  biologicals all sat at stools around an island. My father at the head and two brothers at each side. I quickly got the message and sat down at the other end.

Taking the quick chance to look over at my brothers, all that's shown on their face is seriousness.

What the hell.. am I in trouble or something?

Looking back at Nicolo, all I see is him staring into my damn soul.

"I don't mean to sound rude but is there a reason we're having a staring contest or are we going to have a conversation" I'm so fucking confused.

"We just wanted to ask you some questions bambina, if that's okay." Adriano scratched just neck.

"Yeah.. that's fine what's up?" Whats with the cop interrogation vibe. I would know, I've had way to many of those.

"Who are these best friends of yours?" Gio piped in, this seemed to be a mutual thought between them seeing as they all raised one eyebrow.

Was this practiced or something?

"Well their names are Neptune and Bellamy-"

"Like the planet?"

"Yes Giovanni like the planet, and please don't interrupt me it's a really bad pet peeve of mine" I tried to sound as non mean as I could but I guess it didn't work in my favor since he glared at me.

What did I do you may ask? I glared back.

"Anyways as I was saying, we all met in the orphanage I met Neptune first. Since I was what I guess you could call the "new kid" I mostly kept to myself. Two years later, She was the one to break me out my shell of sadness, and we became close. Any normal person probably would've given up but she's consistent." Trying to sound as normal as possible rather than having a cold tone was harder than I thought. After talking a certain way for so long it becomes 'normal'.

"What about Bellamy?" Looking over at the rest of my biologicals, I continued.

"I met Bellamy around three months after I met Neptune, he was always out and about the orphanage so I never really saw him until then. The first time I met him he was a temperamental asshole but the more "bonding" Neptune made us do actually helped us become friends. Soon we became the trio, you know an us against the world type of thing and the rest is history." I shrugged as I finished, shaking my head as I thought back on that past.

Definitely not the best thing to think about.

"Is he your boyfriend?"

I gagged. Literally. "Hell no, if anything Bell and Neptune are like siblings, I would- scratch that- could never"

I watched as they all physically relaxed at my response, I sincerely hope there not extremely over protective. I've read wattpad books and that is not gonna work for me.

Looking over to pops, I ask, "Any more questions?"

"We don't want to overwhelm you Athena." I could hear the unsure waver in his voice.

"Seriously Pops I'm fine, you can ask me almost anything you want." He froze, like he actually looked frozen.

I turned toward Demitri and whispered, "Demitri did I break him." and he did the last thing I ever would thought he would do.

Demitri laughed. Like a full blown holding his stomach laugh.

He looked like such a hard ass since the first moment I never imagined he could actually laugh. But it seems as if his laugh was contagious cause next thing I know, I was laughing.


To say the whole table was shocked was an understatement.

The remaining Ferrari men watched as the oldest and the youngest were dying of laughter. Nicolo in awe and all the other brothers in shock.

They haven't heard Demitri laugh in years.

This was also the first time Athena has shown a genuine emotion in front of her new found family. Just seeing her laugh was a rare sight if she wasn't around her two friends.

They all watched as she started to hit Demitri while she laughed and he held his stomach trying to gasp for air.

A rare sight indeed.

After the two sobered up, Nicolo spoke about the rules and expectations they had for her. Let's just say the wattpad books she read had been slightly off.

They were indeed overprotective but they definitely gave her some freedom as well.

After the family had gotten all the questions and expectations out the way they all started to slightly bond. Adriano continued to make Gio mad which entertained everyone, Athena showing Elias and Demitri some of her music because she claimed their music taste "sucked ass", and Nicolo watched his children in awe.

By the end of the night they were all engaged in an extremely competitive uno match. Which Athena had almost won if she hadn't have fell asleep on Demitri's shoulder.

Carrying her up to her room, Demitri planted a kiss on her forehead before making his way back down to the living room.

Did Athena trust them? Barely, but after tonight she definitely could see herself doing it.

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