chapter 45

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I got up this morning to find Theo missing from my side. I take a shower and get dressed. I touch the screen of my phone to turn it on.

There's a pending messages. It's from my office. I quickly type in a reply and send it. The very moment that I turn off my phone, it begins to vibrate indicating that I just got a message on WhatsApp. I open it to see that it's from Hermione.

It's already been two months since she left and not a day passes without me missing her. I know that Theo misses her too but he doesn't show it.

The message consists of a picture and some text. It reads:

Hey mom!

I've finally memorised my timetable and worked out things like when to use the bathrooms and when not to. There is a group of kids who think that they're the popular kids but they're not. The seniors are pretty helpful. They're nothing like what they show in movies.

Then there's a picture of hers with two other girls. The caption says. "The one on my right is my room mate and then one on my left is Candace. We've become good friends and hang out a lot together."

It's good to hear that she's making new friends and that she's happy with her life. This takes away some of the loneliness.

I put my hair up in a messy bun and go downstairs. Theo's nowhere in sight. I go into the living room, he's not there either. This makes me frown. I go to the kitchen. He's not there either. I'm about to turn away when hands cover my eyes.

I give out a little scream. When they move away, I turn around to see that it's Theo. I heave a sigh of relief and he says.

"Happy Valentine's day." With this he produces a bouqet of flowers from behind his back.

My heart gives a leap of joy. I put my arms around him and give him a long kiss. When I pull away, I see that he's wearing the shirt which I got him for his birthday. It says. "Coolest husband, one can have."

"Thanks." I say, taking the flowers from him.

I start to make my way to the stove but he puts a hand on my shoulder to stop me. I raise an eyebrow at him.

"Do you think that I'll let you do any work on a day like this?" He asks, kissing my cheek.

I shake my head and take a seat on a kitchen stool. He bustles around the kitchen. I show him the picture that Hermione sent me.

After a few minutes he's ladelling out eggs onto a plate. He accidently touches the bottom of the pan and burns his hand. I'm at once at his side. I get some ice and make an ice pack for him. As he holds it to his hand, I realize that I was worried for him like a child for his child.

He realizes this at the same time as me. He looks up and smiles at me. He leans up and kisses me. I kiss him back.

This Valentine's Day might not be the formal type. The type that every woman dreams of having but it's defnintely going to be a memorable one for me. That's because all the time that I spend with my husband is worth remembering.

This is the type of Valentine's Day that I want to have. But this year is the same as always, I'm still single.

OMG! Did you watch that video of Ansel Elgort saying that the Insurgent premier is going to be in New York! On 16 March! WOHOOOOO!!!! I'M SO HAPPY! I DANCED AROUND THE ROOM FOR HOURS!!!!!

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