chapter 38

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I walk into her bedroom to frind her sitting in a chair, crying.

"Oh Ruth!" I exclaim at the mess she's in. I don't think she changed her clothes since the funeral or brushed her hair or took a shower or ate anything. The sight makes me feel bad for her. I help her up and into the washroom giving her instrustions to take a nice, long, hot shower. After setting out a clean t-shirt and sweat pants on the bed for her, I go downstairs.

Theo and Miles are sitting opposite to each other in the living room. Theo has his glared fixed on Miles like a mother scolding her child. I want to laugh at the sight but contain myself from doing it.

"Do you guys want anything to eat? I'm starving and I think some food will be good for Ruth as well." I offer.

"Yeah, me too. What do you want?" Theo asks pulling out his phone.

"Chow Mein! And you don't need to order, Hermione's supposed to meet us here. You can ask her to pick it up." I tell him.

He nods and dials her number. After giving her instructions he hangs up.

"Do you think Ruth will talk reasonably now?" Miles asks.

"I don't think so. She still needs time to figure things out." I reply as softly as possible.

After about twenty minutes I go back upstairs to check on Ruth. She's drying her hair when I walk in.

"Do you need any help?" I ask her.

She simply shakes her head in reply. I sit down on the corner of her bed and ask her. "Do you think you'll ever be able to forgive him?"

Again she shakes her head and this time I can see tears in her eyes.

"First my son and now my husband. Why is everyone I love going away from me?" She asks turning towards me.

I shrug in reply, not sure what to say.

She suddenly speaks up. "I've made up my mind."

"Huh? What...What have youu decided?" I ask startled.

"I can't live with him anymore. I need a divorce."


I try to balance both boxes on one hand so that can ring the bell. Just as I hit the button one box tumbles off but I catch it before it reaches the ground. The door is opened by Eden.

"Hi Eden!" I say.

"Hey Hermione! You brought dinner?" He asks.

"Yes." I reply nodding.

"Good because all this family drama has made me hungry." He tell me grining. I follow him in. I can't believe how fast he moved on.

Mom, dad, Ruth and Miles are already seated around the dining table. I put down the boxes and go help Eden get plates.

"So, what did they decide?" I ask him as he opens a cupboard.

He hands me some plates saying. "Mom settled on a divorce. She's doesn't want to stay married to him any longer. She's demanding that they sign the divorce first thing tomorrow."

"Tomorrow?" I ask surprised.

"Mmmm." With this we go back to our parents.

Everyone starts eating and I pull out my phone when mom asks me. "Don't you want anything?"

"No. I already ate." I reply.

"Who's going to the court with us tomorrow?" Ruth asks.

"Whoever you want Ruth." Dad replies and mom nods in agreement.

"Fine. Then I want it to be Shailene." This makes mom drop her fork.

"Me? But why me? Don't you want Theo to go instead?" She asks taken aback.

"You can understand me better. And give me something that I'll never get from this family, moral support."

Hearing her say this makes my heart ache. I know exactly what she means. Eden lives in New York, Miles has betrayed her and George, the only person she had who was loyal to her, gone.

Beyond anyone's reach.

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