chapter 48

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Just something that I forgot to mention in the previous chapter.

Liam proposed to Hermione in the place they first noticed each other. If you don't understand then go re-read Liam's flashback in chapter 30. 

I hope you understand what I'm trying to understand. Anyways, on with the chapter.


Today's that day.

Today's my day.

Today's our day.

Today's the day I change from Hermione James to Hermione Elgort.

Today's the day I get married to Liam.

"How long are you guys going to take?" Mom asks for what seems the hundreth time in the last five minutes. I know that she's as nervous as I am.

"Just five more minutes." Hazel tells her. Hazel's my only bridesmaid because I don't have any other girlfriends or atleast know any girls who I want to be.

I stare at my reflection in the mirror. It feels like only yesterday that I looked at my reflection in the same mirror. The only difference is that at that time I was a teenager and was going to my prom. Plus, mom did my hair. This time I'm getting ready for my wedding and my bestfriend did my hair.

Hazel walks over to me and hands me a box, saying. "You should where this. It means something to you and it'll look really good with your dress."

I open the box to see that it's the necklace and earings that mom gave me for my eigtheenth birthday. I remeber what she told me. It's Theo's mother's. She gave it to me on our wedding. It matched your prom dress so now it's yours.

Tears fill up my eyes at the memory. I put on the earings and Hazel puts the necklace around my neck. My hair's hanging loose around my shoulders but it's pinned back just slightly so that my face can be seen.

Dad's voice calling out to me makes me snap back to reality. "Herm?!"

"Coming dad." I call back.


I wait for Hermione to come down. I'm waiting for her right at the foot of the stairs.

It seems like only yesterday, I was in the hospial with Shai and we had Hermione. She's going to get married today and won't any longer be our little girl. She's grown up to become an independent woman.

I want her to be happy but I don't want her to leave.

A small voice makes me turn around. "Dad?"

Hermione's standing right behind me. She's looking really beautiful and I don't know why but she reminds me of Shai on our wedding day. I recongnize the necklace she's wearing. It was my mother's and she gave it to Shailene on our wedding.

"Ready?" I ask her.

"I think so." She replies. After a few seconds she asks me. "Are you?"

She just asked me a really tough question. I choose my words carefully. "I don't know. I'll never be. But if you are then so am I."

I put an arm around her and give her a hug. When I pull away it seems like she does not want to and I don't want to either. But I have to be strong for her sake.

I hold out my hand to her and she takes it. Hazel, Hermione and I drive to the park where the wedding's being held. It's only a few minutes drive from the house.

When we get there, everyone's already seated and waiting for us. Hazel goes in to jon everyone.

I walk Herm down the aisle. When we reach the Priest and Liam, she buries her face in my shoulder and does not let go.

I tell her something that Shai and I used to tell her when she was little. "No matter what happens you'll always be our princess." I sopke this so low that no one except the two of us could have heard it.

But when I look at Shai there are tears in her eyes but she's smiling which means that she heard me.

Hermione pulls away and I kiss her head and reluctantly hand her over to Liam.

-Time Lapse-

The wedding's over. Everyone's gone home. We're back home. Hermione's up in her room. Liam's putting their bags in the car. Ansel and Violetta already said good bye and left.

When she comes down. She walks straight into Shailene's arms. I can't help it and engulf them both into a hug. When I let go of them, Shailene has tears in her eyes and Hermione's crying.

Liam puts his arms around her and tries to console her. I do the same for my wife.

"We should get going." He says, motioning towards Herm and Shai. I nod in agreement.

Shailene and I see them off and the moment the car drives off Shai throws her arms around me and sobs into my shirt.

 This is it for the wedding chapter.

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