chapter 6

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I see Ruth's son kiss my daughterand then she runs out. First, I glare at George and then go after Hermione. She's sitting on the sidewalk hudddled up against the side of a streetlight.

I sit down next to her and put my arm around her. She puts her hand against my chest.I run my hand over her back trying to sooth her down. After a few minutes like this, she pulls away and slowly says "I'm sorry dad for ruining the dinner." I at once come to her defence and say. "It's perfectly alright honey. Besides that you need to apologize, it's that boy who needs to."

She smiles at this and I kiss her forehead. That's when Shai walks up to us looking like someone slapped her. I knew she was angrier than she looked. She kneels down in front of us and hugs Hermione. I smile at this sight and know how lucky I am to have these two women in my life. When Shaliene finally looks at me, she asks "Do you want to go in and you know....?" I understand what she means and shake my head.

Back home once Shai's asleep, I get up and go downstairs to get some water. I sit on the couch and watch the latest news update about Gaza. I'm starting to fall asleep when something vibrates underneath me. I get up and see that it's Herm's phone. I check what it was and not much to my surprise it was:

                                          A MESSAGE FROM GEORGE!!!

It reads:

Hey! Hermione I'm so sorry about what happened back there. I just wanted to get to know you better not force you to do domething that you didn't want to. Can you plz call me?

Before I can think or stop myself, I start typing a reply from Hermione:


But as soon as I send it, I start regretting for interfering in my daughter's life.

are you guys starting to see the turn of events because this is just the begining and you don't get to be a HAPPY FAMILY without going through some trials first!!!

and plz comment, even if you hate this story plz comment at least i'll get some if your reviews.

thanks for all your reads!!!

- A Fangirl.

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