chapter 37

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Many of you must have heard about the rumors that Theo proposed to Ruth.

But I refuse to believe that because I believe in SHEO.

SHEO today! SHEO tomorrow! SHEO forever!

I'll keep shipping SHEO till it actually happens and this story comes true.

I'm going to complete this story no matter what.

And this is something I hope that all other true SHEO shippers will also do.


Shai got the answer to her question after a few days that she asked it.

Today I got a call from Ruth at 7.30 when I was getting ready for office. She was franctic and unable to grasp what was going on. She would not let Miles talk to her and just would not talk to anyone except me. Which is sort of wierd because Shailene would have understood her feelings better.

Some part of me wanted to go to her and settle down the matter. But I knew that I could not afford skipping another day to work. So, here I am driving to her house where Shai's going to meet me. I stop my car. Shailene's car is nowhere in sight, meaning that she's not here yet. I get out and go ring th door bell. Miles opens the door. His face is pale, eyes are bloodshot and there is even a red mark on his cheek to complete the look. That is where I guess she slapped him.

"Hey! How're you doing?" I ask him.

He just ushers me in and leads me to what should be their bedroom. But he makes the mistake of going in first.

"Get out you filthy dog!" Ruth screams throwing a shoe at him, which misses him but hits me on my shoulder.

"Ouch! Ruth! You didn't have to do that!" I exclaim.

She sinks down into a chair, trembling all over, her body shaking as she cries.

"You just had to do that didn't you?" I ask Miles.

"Look man! Everyone makes mistakes!" He replies.

"Yeah. But not mistakes like forgetting whether or not you're married. And if you are then whose your wife!" I shout at him.

We hear the doorbell ring. Miles starts moving but I stop him. "That must be Shailene. I'll go get it." He nods letting me.

I open the door to find Shailene trying to unzip her jacket. I smile at this and reack out to help her. Once the zip's unzipped, I pull her by the sides of her jacket to me and slowly kiss her.

She pulls away asking. "How's Ruth?"

 I shake my head and point towards the stairs saying. "Go ahead and find out for yourself."

She goes up to talk to Ruth while Miles and I have a little guy-to-guy talk about how one should treat their wife.

I've got nothing more to say except that don't stop believing in SHEO.

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