27. Meeting a hotel room

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Felix closed the door and I called a taxi for us. As the yellow New York car drove over to us, Felix laced his fingers through mine and he kissed the top of my head. I smiled at his sweet gesture as I opened the door. I climbed in and Felix climbed in after me and we sat with his arm around me as we drove up and down the streets of New York City in the darkness of the night. We stared out the slightly grubby taxi window as the illuminate buildings passed us by.

This city was truly a wonderful city and we both have enjoyed our trip here. It would be a special city to us because it was the place we met our daughter. I think I can legally call her my daughter now. It sounds wonderful and because of who she is, what she's gone through makes me proud to be able to call her my daughter. I wonder if she would call me mum, or mom or mamma? I called my mother mamma and I wouldn't mind Minty calling me mamma. But as long as she's my daughter I don't care what she calls me (within reason.)

"Marzia?" Felix asked and I felt him stroke my shoulder with his hand softly.
"Hmm?" I replied. Leaning my head on his shoulder. I was a little tired from today's events.
"Do you think Minty will call us mom and dad?" He asked. He was thinking the same thing I was.
"I don't know. She might do." I said unsure myself.
"She didn't call Nora mom did she?" Felix asked and I shook my head against his should.
"She's never had anyone to call mom because of what happened to her birth mother." I told him looking up at him as I spoke. He sighed deeply.

It must have been horrible being told by someone who you care about and have had a relationship with that they don't want anything to do with you and your child that you created together. Minty's father, as horrid as it is to say this, is a horrible man. Minty was right about what she said to that Sandra woman. Her birth father was to blame for her birth mother's suicide, and he could have tried to raise her on his own; for the sake of Minty's birth mom and for Minty's. I mean, it's his daughter for god sake.

"Okay, here we are. The Mansfield hotel." The driver (that was oddly a middle aged blonde woman that smoked roll-ups.) said parking outside the hotel. Felix opened the taxi door and got out. I got out and he helped me offering me his hand like a gentleman. He then payed the driver and we linked arms walking into the hotel lobby.


When Marzia and I got to our hotel room we threw off our coats and shoes, and Marzia put down her purse, then we collapsed lazily on the double bed. We lay on our backs looking at each other sideways. Marzia looked so pretty in the low light of the hotel. I reached over to stroked her cheek slowly and softly. She leaned into my touch and I sighed deeply.

"I'll apply for Minty's adoption to be recognised in the UK and get her passport from Nora and apply for her to be able to come home with us tomorrow morning." I told Marzia and she nodded. Marzia then leaned towards me and placed a quick but sweet kiss on my lip.
"I love you." Marzia said and I smiled.
"I love you too." I replied and kissed her back more passionately. Marzia and I started to then french kiss each other and I shifted myself so I was lying above her. (I bet you can guess what happened that night.)

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