75. Meeting Minty's new bedroom

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"Here's your new room Minty!" I exclaimed opening the white wooden door to Minty's room and flicked on the light. Well, the spare room we had in the house.
"Okay." Minty said as Felix put her down into the room. She looked around with her head slightly tilted at the room. It was a large, square shaped room with a high ceiling that matched the colour of the white walls that went down to the wooden floor. In the centre of the room was a long single bed that had pure white sheets and fluffy pillow. The wood of the bed matched the wood of the floor and the wardrobe that stood in the corner next to the tall window that looked out to the back of our street and garden.

There was a picture of New York City streets ironically on the wall opposite the bed.
"It is simple now but you can decorate it how you want." I told Minty as her curious green eyes scanned the room top to bottom, turning completely around.
"Okay." she muttered before looking out the window at the night.
"You have a garden?! Like a real garden not just some stone?!" Minty gasped excited and both Felix and I nodded.
"It hasn't got much kid stuff but there is a bench swing and a pond." I told her and she grinned more.

"Cool! Can we maybe have some fish and look after them?" Minty asked me but I shook my head.
"No sweetie, I'm afraid that birds or cats or even the dogs might try and get them." I told her and she looked down.
"Why would the dogs try and get them?" She asked and Felix crouched to her side sensing she was sad. But curious as usual.
"Because the dogs are silly and as I said before Edgar is a little bitch." he joked and laughter from all three of us filled the room. I then watched as they both yawned sleepily and awed seeing how alike they were.

"Like daddy like daughter." I stated putting Minty's bags down before I took her hand and lead her to the bed. We both sat on it as Felix drew the curtains.
"You gonna be okay in here?" I asked her and she nodded then tilted her little head again.
"Why would I not be okay?" She asked me and I shrugged.
"I don't know, it just the whole being a parent now. I wanna make sure your okay." I told her in all honesty and she giggled.
"Why are you giggling?" I asked her frowning at her.

"Because you sound like a real mom. Only more worried." she laughed and I tilted my head.
"And why is that funny?" I asked her as she stopped giggling.
"Because you don't need to be as worried." She told her then cuddled me with her little head on my shoulder.
"Your a great parent." She whispered and I smiled hugging my little girl back.
"Thank you." I said back. We sat like that like in our little moment before Felix broke the silence.

"YOU HAVE MARKIPLIER PJS?!" He shouted in a high voice while holding up some small grey pyjamas that had the markiplier logo on it.
"Hand-me-downs from Amy." Minty told him and he nodded then got up.
"Are you gonna wear them?" he asked holding them in front of Minty who nodded. Felix nodded as she took them.
"I'll tell Mark that your a fan." Felix said as Minty took off her trainers.

"I've only seen him in your videos dad. He's a funny and great you tuber but I love your videos more." Minty said looking up at him with big puppy dog eyes.
"Aww!" I said loudly as Felix looked Minty up and down studying her with a straight face.
"KISS UP!" Felix shouted before he tackled Minty to the bed tickling her sides.
"STOP!" Minty sputtered giggling.
"No!" Felix replied and chuckled darkly. I laughed at them putting a hand on my tummy.

I could feel that my tummy was growing a little because of the baby but I wondered when it really be noticeable that I was pregnant. Which reminded me I needed to get preparations on the baby's room started soon.
"DAD PLEASE STOP!" Minty shouted fighting against Felix snapping me out of my thoughts.
"Okay, okay. Kiss up!" Felix said in a silly voice then stopped tickling her. Minty glared at him then pushed him playfully making me laugh again.

"Time for bed now." I said getting up and both Minty and Felix awed disappointment. I frowned making a questioning look at Felix.
"Minty not you!" I said in disbelief and he cheered like a little kid. Minty pouted but when her dad hugged her she smiled again.
"Into your markiplier PJs Mintypie." Felix said and Minty jumped up with her PJs in hand then dashed off to the bathroom that was next door to her room leaving Felix and I in her room. We turned to each other smiling tiredly.

"Have I told you I love you today?" He asked cheekily and I laughed then nodded.
"Well, I'll say it again." he said and leaned in placing a kiss on my lips. I kissed him back and cherished it for the few seconds it before Felix broke away still smiling.
"I love you Marzia." he whispered.
"I love you too Felix." I said back and moved so I was in his arms and he was cuddling me.
"Can I have my toothbrush?" Minty's voice asked making us look to the door to see her in her PJs with who clothes folded over her arm.

"Yeah, it'll get you a new one." Felix said then got up to go to the bathroom. Minty followed him with her bright green eyes and a frown on her forehead then looked over at me when he left.
"I thought you said you and dad weren't lovey dovey all the time?" Minty asked and I laughed then stood to my feet.
"We aren't Minty. But we still do exchange kisses, hugs and say 'I love you'." I told her and she looked at the floor.
"I get it. I'm like that with Billy a bit. Why do couples do that mom?" Minty asked me and I shrugged.

"Because couples love each other. It's what they do to show they love each other Minty." Felix said coming back in with a green toothbrush. Very appropriate.
"Why don't they just say 'I love you' to show they love each other?" Minty asked not being able to stop herself being curious. Adorable.
"Because it's a better way, it's more special." Felix said picking her up again resting her on his hip.
"Okay." Minty said then she threw her little arms quickly around his neck then she kissed his slightly stubbly cheek.

"I love you dad." she said and Felix smiled.
"I love you too." he said hugging her again for a few seconds with me watching before he put her down.
"Go say night to your mom then go brush your teeth." Felix said and Minty nodded saying a quick 'okay dad' before she gave me a hug. I hugged her back giving her a kiss on the head before she broke away to dash to the bathroom in her cute little PJs.

Hey there superheroes! Here is another adorable chapter of adopted by pewdiepie and cutiepie! I hope you did enjoy and think it was cute! Also, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR OVER 33,000 READS! I'm absolute, purely amazed at how this story has grown since the last update! I was extremely excited when it got 31,000 reads and when it got 32,000 I was over the moon because when I went to see The Script in Manchester in March of this year (2015) there were 32,000 people in that arena. I remembered then noise of the crowd and the pure enormousness of the people and now this story has just got more reads then that!

*Brain explodes causing me to fly back 32,000 meters* THANK YOU SO GOD DAMN MUCH SUPERHEROES! YOU. ARE. ALL. AWESOME. AMAZING. PEOPLE. AND. I. THANK. MY. LUCKY. STARS. FOR. YOU. EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. AND. I. TRUELY. DO. APPRECIATE. YOU. ALL! Thank you so much again superheroes! I love you all! PEACE!

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