10. Meeting a new friend

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As Billy and I walked through the halls some of the kids in our year gave us some surprised looks. The older kids laughed or awed at us for some sort of reason. The whole time Billy had a smile on his face which I returned every time I looked back at him.

Eventually we got to the cafeteria and it was now lunch time. We walked past the older kids and found Daisy and Alex sat at our table eating the lunch which were ham and cheese sandwiches and salads which chips and coke. When I saw them I waved with my free hand to get Alex's attention but when he saw me and Billy he froze and dropped the chip he was about to eat.

"Holy cow!" Alex sputtered a little scared. Daisy snapped her head around and her eyes grew wide when she saw Billy.
"What the heck is he doing here?" She asked me harshly and nearly yelling. I sighed and sat down next to Alex with Billy sat next to me. Daisy was sat next to Alex and trying to calm him down.

"You tell them Billy." I said tapping Billy by the arm. Billy nodded enthusiastically and cleared his throat.
"Hi," he said brightly to my two friends. Daisy frowned at him and Alex just looked at me strangely.
"No no no, not that." I told Billy and he nodded again realising.
"I'm sorry for being mean to you. You didn't give me a reason and I don't want you to be scared of me." He started.

Both Alex and Daisy seemed to let their guards down a little and listened to him.
"I've been having problems with my family that's been making me act like that. I just want be happy and be nice so can you forgive me?" He asked truthfully. Daisy looked at a shocked Alex in disbelief. She then looked at me and I nodded encouraging him. Daisy then looked at Billy and sighed.

"I forgive you Billy." She eventually said and Billy thanked her with excitement.
"What about you Alex?" I asked him.
"Why are you being nice to him Minty?" Alex asked me bitterly. I pursed my lips and looked down at the table before answering.
"Because she was sorry for making me yell and when I told her about my mom being in hospital and our family's money going to her hospital bills." Billy explained for me and I looked up is smiling at Daisy and Alex.

"There is good in him and he wants to be happy in school." I said to them. Alex then sighed and looked at me to Daisy.
"Okay Billy, I forgive you as well." Alex said and Billy cheered for joy.
"Thanks so much!" He said and then patted Alex on the back. I laughed and stood up.
"Come on Billy, let's get our lunch." I said and he stood up and took my hand again.

I smiled and lead him towards the line. It moved fairly quickly and before we knew it Billy and I were had our trays to get our food. I was going to get a cheese sandwich with some salad and Billy was going for a veggie burger with chips. As we waited for our food we talked about ourselves a little. Billy found it strange that I was so okay about being an orphan. He said that he would rather die then not have his mother.

I would never be able to relate to him because I've never had someone I'm able to call 'mom.' I also did tell him that the reason I was so curious as to why he bullied us was because of the fact that no one ever told me why my mom took her own life. I always want to know why now and sometimes it can make bad things happen but I usually feel bad about when bad things happen and want to fix them. Like I did with Billy.

Thank you all for 300 reads on this story! I'm so grateful for it you have no idea! Please please please could you vote and comment as well! PEACE!

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