17. Meeting Billy's mom

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"Two ten year olds, are just going to waltz into a hospital without any adults?" I asked holding up my hands as I spoke. Minty and her, friend-that-is-a-boy-which-bothers-me-cos-she's-going-to-be-my-daughter, nodded looking confused as why that is a problem to me. I sighed at them.

"Hospitals are big places, and this is New York, so anything could happen to two kids like you." I explained, sounding a little like a grown up. Since when do I sound like a grown up?
"My sisters are going to be there and I asked them to take Minty back home when it was time to leave." The kid next to Minty replied. I eyed him still concerned for Minty. I don't trust this kid, he's wearing a brown shirt. BARRELS! My mind screamed.

"We can get a taxi there, we'll go with you to the hospital so you don't get lost." Marzia said. Both kids nodded and Marzia then turned to the road to call a taxi. I was left standing there with my hands in pockets.
"So, Billy, how long have you been friends with Minty?" I asked trying to not make this awkward.

"About two days. We've been in the same class since kindergarden though," he replied turning to Minty with a smile. He then took her hand in his and for some sort of reason I wanted to rip her away from him and hide her behind me. Wow, I'm going to be an overprotected dad aren't I?


The taxi ride to the hospital Billy's mom was in was a twenty minute drive from Minty and Billy's school. Me, Minty and Billy talked all the way. Felix just sat next to Billy with a look that would probably kill him if it could. Felix was already acting like a dad to Minty even though she didn't know we were planing on adopting her.

This was so cute though. Unlike Felix as well. I never thought he would take to her like I did. I fell in love with the little girl the second I first saw her. Felix and I were going to tell her that we wanted to adopt her after we took them to the hospital to visit Billy's mom. Billy was a nice enough kid and I didn't like the fact that he bullied her and her friends.

Now they were friends though, and I think he liked her. I just know. It's, I can't believe I'm saying this, something a mother knows. I don't know if Minty liked him back but I think it would be hard for her to leave him and her friends in New York. But this little girl deserved a family, and me and Felix (and Puga Chan and Edgar) would give her that.

"Thanks so much," Felix said as he payed the taxi driver. Me, Minty and Billy were stood looking up at the large hospital. Minty was holding Billy's hand and her other hand was held by mine.
"Here were are, you ready to see your mom Billy?" Minty asked as we both looked at Billy, who was looking down nervously, at the same time. Billy nodded hesitantly.

"You'll come in with me won't you Minty?" He asked and Minty nodded.
"Of course I will, I'm here for you Billy," she replied with a caring tone in her voice.
"Thank you, I want you to meet my mom too," he said and started to walk towards the hospital dragging Minty with him, who dragged me with her.

"Felix," I called looking back at him. He strode quickly to me and took my other hand. He smiled widely as I dragged him with us. I smiled back letting go of Minty's had so I could walk at his side.
"Come on Marzia and Felix!" Minty called as we walked through the doors. She and Billy were already at the reception desk.

"Coming," called back as Felix an I walked hand in hand to the desk.
"I'd never thought we'd tell Minty that we're going to adopt her in a hospital," Felix mumbled just so I could hear him and I giggled.
"I'm going have to make sure you don't end up killing Billy before we do tell her," I replied and he kissed my cheek.

"I'm glad you make sure I do, and your going to have to when Minty gets to her teen years. That's going to be torture." Felix replied and I laughed out loud as we got to the reception desk. Minty and Billy were frowning up at us.
"What's so funny?" Billy asked. I shook my head.
"Nothing, let's find your mom's room Billy." I said and Felix walked to the reception to speak to the receptionist.

"Excuse me, we're looking for the room of mrs Quint." Felix stated and the blonde receptionist nodded.
"Room 432, third floor." She told us and Felix thanked her.
"Lets go," he said as Billy started to drag Minty to the elevator. Felix groaned.
"I'm going to have to chop that boy's hands off." He said and I giggled grabbing his arm.
"Come on grumpy pewds." I said dragging him to the elevator. We all piled in together, Minty and Billy still holding hands.


I know this sounds a little weird, but I think I'm nervous. Billy said he wanted me to meet his mom as well. I thought he wanted me to wait outside or something. I've never met any of my friends' moms. Yeah, I've been over to Daisy's house but her mom works at night and we were looked after by a babysitter aka her older sister Janet. Billy wants me to meet his mum, which I've heard from some of the older girls is a major step in a 'relationship'.

Were Billy and I in a relationship? We are friends but its nothing more. Maybe I shouldn't be that worried to meet Billy's mom. Maybe when I meet her I'll be able to go over to Billy's house and hang out with him. That would be nice I think.
"Here's the room!" Billy exclaimed pointing to the third door down from the elevator. He and I jogged to it with Marzia and Felix walking behind us.

"We'll wait out here for you." Marzia said and I nodded. I hugged her legs with my little arms which shocked her a little. I quickly did the same thing with Felix then pulled away from him.
"Thank you for coming with us and for giving us a ride, again." I said with a giggle at the end which made them laugh.
"We'll take you both back to your orphanage again and we'll tell you that thing we have to tell you later," Felix smiled an I nodded thanking them again before turning to Billy.
"Lets go," I said and Billy opened the door.

~3rd person~

"Hayley! Talulah!" Billy yelled as he saw a blonde girl and brunette girl who were both older then us but the sae age, turned to him from the hospital bed. They both grinned and hugged him.
"Hi buddy," the brunette said ruffling his hair.
"Hi Billy." The blonde said with a kind voice.

"Wilbur?" A weak but warm voice said form the bed and I felt myself freeze. Billy tuned to look at the bed and he grinned.
"Mommy!" He exclaimed running to the side of the bed to hug a middle age woman who had a kind smile and a slightly aged face. She hugged him back placing on of her hands on the top of his head and one on his back.
"Oh, my little Wilbur." She said in almost relief. Billy, who I think was sobbing a bit, pulled away after a minute or so in her arms.

"I want you to meet Minty mom." He said gesturing for me to forward which I did. I smiled a little slyly at him and he grinned back and took my hand in his.
"She's, my friend from school." He said with a soft tone in his voice. At the end of the bed his sisters Hayley and Talulah awed a little at us. I gulped and smiled at Billy's mom.
"Hello mrs Quint." I said politely. She looked me up and down with her greyish green eyes before the warm smile she gave Billy retuned to her face.
"Hello there sweetheart, and I just want to say thank you for coming here with my Billy." She said patting my shoulder thankfully. I smiled back feeling relieved. What a nice family.

Hey superheroes! Here's another update for adopted by pewdiepie and Cutiepie! We have nearly 2,000 reads on thesis story, that's nuts! Thank you all so god damn much for reading! It means the world that people give up their time that they will never get back in their lives to read my work, so thank you so much! Please keep voting and comment on this story! Follow me and I'll follow you back and if you want me to read your story then feel free to ask me! Thank you all again! PEACE!

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